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John Meads 2016
Misfortunes at Burton Mills*

Abbott's Mill
Abbott's Mill also known as Burton Mills on the River
Ise in Finedon Road. It was destroyed by fire in 1936

Northampton Mercury 20 September 1856


On Friday afternoon last, at about three o’clock, a fire broke out in the stackyard close near to Mr. Abbott’s corn mill. His men were thrashing wheat in the farmyard by steam power, and the fire was caused by a cinder dropping over the pan into some loose straw, which had been carelessly left too near. In ten minutes the whole of the stacks were I a blaze, so that nothing was saved, not even the steam engine, the framework of which was destroyed, and the man who was stacking the straw had a narrow escape, having to jump through the flames. The property consumes consisted of wheat, beans, oats and straw stacks, a quantity of corn in sacks, &c. The loss is estimated upwards of £300, and the property is insured in the Norwich Union and Unity Fire Offices. The engines were sent for from Kettering, but being found useless the order was countermanded. The horse ridden by the messenger stumbled on Barton hill, broke its leg, and was afterwards killed. The fire was seen distinctly at Kettering, Wellingborough, Finedon, and other places until about nine in the evening, about which time it appeared gradually to die away. At one time the fire was an object of awful grandeur , the beans crackling and flying about in the air like so many meteors.

Leicestershire Mercury 03 October 1857


At the “Red Cow,” Burton Lattimer, on Monday last, an inquest was held on the body of Caroline Smith, aged 4½ years, daughter of an engineer working at Burton Mills., who was drowned in the Ise brook, near the mill dam, on the previous Saturday. Mr. Wright, publican, of Burton, who happened to be passing at the time, saw the child at play with the stalk of a Michaelmas daisy, on the margins of the brook, and before he could interfere she fell in. He instantly gave an alarm, and efforts were made to rescue her, but she was nowhere to be seen. After searching for nearly two hours, the body was found in a deep hole near the mill tail, but life was extinct. The child’s mother had gone to Northampton, and did not return until evening, when the sorrowful news was told her. A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned.

*Note: The water mill was situated in Finedon Road at the its junction with Finedon Station Road. The plural "Mills" is thought to have been used because the mill was once owned by Thomas Garratt who also owned a windmill that once stood a few hundred yards away in a field north-east of the back road to Finedon.

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