Transcribed by Janet Meads 2008 |
Whereas a lycence to eate flesh was granted to Mrs Suzan Sibthorp of our Parish dated the sixt of March 1632 and her sicknes and infirmities (uppon which groundes it was graunted) still continueing and the desiring to have the same registered according to the Statute wee have therefore registred the same uppon the sixteenth daie of the said instant March 1632 in theis wordes following wherein it was graunted vizt. To all to whome theis presents shalll come I Robert Sibthorpe Doctor of Divinity Parson of Burton Latimer in the Whereas by act of Parliament heretofore made prohibiting the eating of fflesh uppon daies usually observed as ffish daies. It is provided, that all persons which by reason of notorious sickness shalbe enforced for the recovery of health to eat fleish for the tyme of their sickness, shalbe sufficiently lycenced by the Bishop of the Diocess or by the Parson, Viccar or Curat of the Parrish where such persons shalbe sick. Now know yee that I the said Robert Sibthorpe being Parson of the Parish of Burton Latimer according to the power and authority to me given by the said Act of Parliament have licensed and by theis presentes doe lycence the aforesaid Susan Sibthorp during the time of her infirmities and sicknes for the better recoverie of her health to eate flesh uppon all or any of those daies as are usually observed as ffish daies. Provided that she the said Susan Sibthorpe doe pay to the use of the Poore of thr Parish of Burton aforesaid the somme of six shillings and eight pence according to the statute in that case made and provided. In witnes whereof I have signed this lycence with my hand this sixt day of March Anno Domini 1632, / Rob: Sibthorpe Tho: Birde - Curate Geo: Plowright - Guardian