Sir, I sent to you 4 letters the last weeke, one by Mr. Ekins, one by Mr. Coster, and one by the Constable, in which three amongst other things I desired that you would be pleased to send me backe the letter which was inclosed in Cozen Ayletts, and directed to the Constable, because now it would be needles to him, and I was not willing that it should come to any other hand, which request I still continue for I received noe answer to any of the former, which made me expect some of our Towne coming home, when all the carryers came without letters, but none of them are yet arived; God grant them good successe, for it is reported heere that great freinds are made by some that are called, and the Lord Leiuetennants letter procured, because the rest of the Deputies who joyned in that act, conjoyne to surrender their deputacion if they must be lyable to such questioning, or to the like effect, how farr these may overbeare meane men I know not, but I hope not soe much as is reported, for then it will be hazardous for inferiors to doe hearby service to the supreame, except the intermediate subordinate superiors be pleased, and how, many of them stand heere affected, you are not ignorant, but these things must be lefte to God, and those who are greater then they. The Lord blesse me amidst them and these stirrs, for I understand, (that which I suspected) that they are displeased with me aswell as with some others, yet have I done nothing; which I knew how to have left undone, unles I would have fayled his Majesties service for the Shipmoney, which I thincke to be of speciall consequence, and the busines now concerning it in these parts; But my hope must be Deus et Rex. I received indeede a letter by Smyth the Carryer, To which I rescribed by him this last weeke, which was the fourth letter before mencioned, wherein I especially insisted upon Mr. Birds Qualificacion, and acquainted you with our Bishops propensitie, to entertaine him, upon surrender of an Instrument left in your hands for Cozen Hill, of which he made noe use; and now his Lordship is willing that it should be usefull, to this other of your kinsmen, which I then desired, and still desire and assure my selfe of your forwardnes to further it, the rather because I found noe meanes to inable him for that good which you intend towards him, not only amongst those Lords whom I mencioned in that letter; but alsoe not with the Lord Savile, nor the Lord Wharton, the one of which Sir Peter Temple hath matched into, and the other hath matched into the Lord Wenman, and if there had bene any good to be done I left it not unattempted, nor did I greatly feare the fayleing, but there is noe place left, but only empty Ayre and Tytle, which is not the thing we seeke for, and therefore as I sayd before, he must set up his rest upon you, who was the beginer of his motion, and from you expect that instrument which must give it rest and cessation; Soe with my prayers for your and Cozen Barbaras health, and God protection over us all I rest. At your service Rob: Sybthorpe Click here to return to the index of Sybthorpe letters