Sir, I received your letters and the inclosed for which I did wright soe often, because I knew not what hands it might happen into; nor what might be their construction, for I see most mens incline to the worst. I send the inclosed abbreviated according to your direction, if the busines be not past you may if you please deliver this, and call in, and retourne the forme to me. If otherwise I pray you retourne this againe, That many freinds will be made, and cuning used, (some of which I touched in my last letter). I make noe question, which made me wish that one of the now company had bene spared, but factum infectum, else nequit. It is pittie that he should suffer who I thincke is innocent, and was oppressed, but more pittie that I, who I know was ignorant, yet shalbe oppressed, if power be left to doe it, and any opportunity can be taken, for I heare the whisperings on every side; if the proofes in the former busines be now thought to fall short, I should wonder, that it was not, spied all this while, for not only D:P: the Comissioner conceived that he did never see anything proved more punctually but alsoe the Councell have met before this Terme about it, and thought it free for hearing, and that now it should not holde soe seemes to me somewhat strange, but fiat voluntas domini, if his Majesties Service suffer not, I can be contente which ende soever goeth formost. I would others were as inclinable to peace, as I am, have bene, and shalbe, but I doubt importunity will not be the way to make them soe; but soe I leave them and this busines; Now for Mr. Bird, If beneficies be intercepted, or uncertaine yet I pray you let us have one favor from you to send the Instrument for Qualificacion, now I have gone soe farr in it, that we may lay holde on that in the present, (sythence I see such things are soe snatched up,) against such time as a future opportunity of proffit may be afforded, which may then, be there by the more readily apprehended, I could almost perswade my selfe that yet providence did thincke of this use when you first tooke that instrument, and I assure my selfe your love, will now let it be made that use of accordingly; Let Credit usher in Commodity, I will doe my indeavor to further him in book. Soe with my prayers for your owne and Cozen Barbaras health I rest. At your service Rob: Sybthorpe Click here to return to the index of Sybthorpe letters