Sir I received the inclosed by the carryer of Thingdon which I macke bolde to present to your vew, desireing you to acquaint the Squier, and both of you to tacke some speedy course, to contrive the poore mans delivery according as is desired, which I hope you will not fayle to doe, I should wonder at what is done, were it not that I question not the wisdome and equity of those who are supposed to be the doers of it, and were it not that I have learned rather to bestirr ones selfe to helpe a man out of a pitt, then to wonder how he fell in, and soe I hope you will doe. I beseech you be pleased to give order that the inclosed letter and golde may be safely and speedily conveighed to him to relieve him in his extremity, I would not have troubled you with it, had it not bene that I was not sure how other wayes to have it come safely to his hands. I beseech you therefore pardon this presumeing. And soe with my prayers I rest. At your service Rob: Sybthorpe. Click here to return to the index of Sybthorpe letters