I received noe letter by Smyth, yet I much desired one, if you had bene soe pleased, for heere is much insulting with reports of paying charges layd upon the poore man but how much I heare not. If it be any it will be much to him, and surely I believe most on this side of the country (except these on their owne side) will thincke it soe and doe wonder at what was done before, but I leave that to those who have more wisdom and power, desireing only to know the trueth, They may helpe him, who cannot helpe it. I am at this time importuned by Mr Weldon, (who is opprest by insolent clownes) To implore your assistance on his behalfe which you may be pleased soe to vouchsafe, as may both vindicate his and the Churches right, and partly redeeme his reputacion amongst them, which I hope you will doe, you know the man, his desarts, abilities, and sufferings, and I know you comiserate him; Their is alsoe an opportunity afforded whereby it is conceived that your good word to his Grace, may be a meanes of addition to his estate, (which if he had, these would not use him as they doe) It is thus The Vicarage of Clebrooke is lately fallen voyd, in his Majesties giuft within three miles of him, worth, seaven or eight score pounds per annum and being a vicarage, is (as all other vicarages are) highly valued; whereby it is in his Majesties imediate giuft, If this might be conferred upon him with convenience, as it lyes conveniently for him, you should recover him from contempt, and inable him to doe your selfe and the Church service, which were his estate answerable to his parts, you know he is both able and willing to doe . To your wisdome and goodnes I therefore leave him, and tackeing my leave with my prayers rest. At your service Rob: Sybthorpe Click here to return to the index of Sybthorpe letters