Copie of my letter to Sir Roland St. John etc. Honoured Sir I understand by a letter from Sir John Lambe that you are offended with me because (as you conceive or are informed) I certified against you to the Righ Honourable the Lords of his Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell; I am sorry that you should conceive any such cause against me, yet glad that you are pleased soe farr to expresse your selfe as that I may give some answer for my selfe which is this. All the Certificate which I made to the Lords, I send a copie of inclosed, as alsoe a copie of their Order whereupon it was grounded. In which I hope I have neither touched upon, nor trenched at you (that I may not say I refused to doe soe, being requested,) and soe much I beseech you be pleased to be perswaded of him, who hath bene, and will be, the honourer of your worth, and ever ready to be comaunded. At your service Rob: Sybthorpe FOOTNOTE: Click here to return to the index of Sybthorpe letters