Janet Meads 2008 | |||
Sir, I received your letter dated 11th instant wherein you certifie what course is taken by the Lords of the Councell for Plowrights sending backe to attend his busines at London, for which I thancke you and the Esquire, But I conceive that before this time you perceive by my last that he for abundant caution (or out of his abundance of feare) gave 10li to one James Basford to serve as a Soldier in his tourne, and himselfe is gone downe with him to Selby neere Yorke to see him delivered and himselfe discharged, at the Rendevoues, Soe that I am halfe in doubte, least upon inquirie, they find noe such man as Plowright, (unles the Captaine detaine him for want of some gratuity at dismission,) and then I should be thought to make a noise about nothing, yet how trew all was which I did wright is notoriously taken notice of in the Country, and at his coming up; he can make that good, and relate the passages more fully, till then I must leave it and my selfe to construction, as chance shall present things in these tourneings and windings, Concerning the Kettering watch and preparacions, I did alsoe wright fully in my former, and gave intimacion of some other only I intreated then which I second now, that I may not be made the relator. There is malice enough against me already and I have laboured long enough under it, let me not be made the subject of more, If neede require to have testimony I will furnish you with names, but dare not converse with the Parties; It is enough that others doe it whom I know and am assured of, and should none doe it, yet the thing it selfe is soe manifest; and soe much taken notice of as that (how- soever it might be indeavored to be excused) I thincke it will not be denyed; other newes I know none save what was in my former; and therefore with my prayers rest. At your service Rob: Sybthorpe Click here to return to the index of Sybthorpe letters