Text of the Winter Distress League's review for 1935-6, originals loaned by Christine Weiss | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Winter Distress League Review ANNUAL REPORT, 1935-36
A promise to pay the wage of one man for as many days or weeks as you can undertake will give you a personal link with someone who needs your help. |
WILL YOU GIVE IT ? 1,437 "underfed" Children have been sent to the Country for a prolonged stay. THE WINTER DISTRESS LEAGUE, 23,
THE DREAM OF DREAD FULL DAYS. HAVE you ever tried to imagine what it would be like to have nothing, literally nothing to do and nowhere to go for weeks, months, years on end ? To get up every morning with a day empty of occupation of any kind, devoid of hope or interest, stretching ahead of you and to know that to-morrow and to-morrow and tomorrow would almost certainly bring the same dreary, monotonous nothingness ? Add to that insufficient food, a home going steadily downhill, a wife whose health and spirits are being drained out of her, and children who are of necessity deprived of much that they should have, and one has, alas! mentally sketched the lot of a very large section of one's fellow countrymen and women. Mentally sketched it, yes, but how far removed that is from having to live it, and only those who have done that really know the drab dull horror of prolonged unemployment, and their silence is perhaps the measure of its unspeakable misery. It is men who have had to live it that the Winter Distress League exists to help, and this Report is the fourteenth record of what our subscribers have enabled us to do. It's always a nice record to write because there always seems to be so much gratitude and happiness and genuinely effective work to tell about. For instance, last year we told you about B.H., an ex-naval man who had been in
We have, as our regular subscribers know, three main types of employment. 1. Undertaking jobs that would otherwise remain undone, for various public institutions and societies who have to provide the materials, while we provide the labour. 2. The clearing and preparation of waste land for use as allotments, gardens, and recreation grounds. 3. The provision of stewards for clubs for the unemployed. In all cases the rates of pay are those laid down by the Ministry of Labour. The Waste Land schemes are peculiarly helpful, both because all types and kinds of men can be put to work on them, and because the outdoor life and exercise is very beneficial to the men and gets them fit and well for other work that may be obtainable afterwards. Besides, everybody finds satisfaction in turning a hideous derelict bit of ground into something pleasant and useful. Most of these schemes are in or around
Recently the Town Clerk sent us a copy of the following letter : "We, the undersigned Residents of Parr Stocks Road, would like to convey to you our best thanks for the part you have played in removing the waste heap at the rear of our homes. Dare we further trespass upon your kindness in asking you to kindly inform the Society and friends responsible for the financing of same, how deeply we appreciate their thoughtfulness, and trust they may reap the reward of their generous action. Hoping the good work will continue until the heap is only a memory." and his own comment is : "I feel sure that your Committee will lie gratified by knowing that, in addition to giving useful work to unemployed men, the work in question besides providing additional playing fields accommodation has so materiallv improved the amenities of the area for these particular residents that they have of their own volition felt it incumbent upon them to communicate their thanks in this wav." (Miss Neville says all this really belongs to next year's Report because our season ends with May but we don't care. We think it's much too nice not to tell you at ONCE, and there will be something else nice for next year's anyway !) Here is the list of institutional jobs, waste land schemes and club stewardships undertaken last season. HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS HELPED.
Isle of Dogs, Millwall (
IN DISTRESSED AREAS. Land at Tipton, Staffs (through, the summer of 10.35, completed September, 1935). Land at St. Helens, Lancs, (begun Feb.1936, still proceeding).
CLUBS FOR THE UNEMPLOYED, STEWARDS PROVIDED. Archway Unemployed Fellowship, Highgate. Crossways Club, New
Deptford Social Service Club). Downham Occupational Club, Downham Estate. Fleming Hut, Hammersmith. Holy Cross Club, St. Pancras. Islington Central Hall Club.
Kingsley Hall Occupational Club, Bow. Millwall Fellowship, Isle of Dogs.
Woolwich Fellowship, Woolwich. LETTERS ABOUT THE WORK. And here are just a few letters. We wish we could afford to print all we receive because they are really written to every subscriber, since without the subscriptions there would be nothing to record. Old libels are as hard to kill as the proverbial "old soldier," and the statement that the unemployed don't want work still crops up much too often; how we wish the letters we get from the men to whom we give work could be read to everyone disturbed or troubled by that particularly cruel inaccuracy. There is also the witness of the men's high standard of work and conduct, often spoken of by the institutions for which we work. This letter might legitimately be headed " From One Who Knows " !
St. Mary's Hospital. Dear Miss Neville, May 1 on behalf of the Board of Management take this opportunity to thank the Winter Distress League for the most valuable help they have been so good as to give to the St. Mary's Hospital this year by the allocation of four painters and four labourers for thirteen weeks to do most urgent work at this Institution, which could not have been done without the help of your Committee. St. Mary's will ever be under a deep debt of gratitude to the Winter Distress League for all the kind assistance they have given to St. Mary's for so many years. I cannot conceive of any better organisation, or more charitable effort than that which is being made year in and year out by the Winter Distress League, and I send you all my best wishes for its continued success. Yours sincerely, W. PARKES. St. Columba's Hospital, Dear Madam, The Council of this Hospital desire me to convey to the Winter Distress League their sincere gratitude for the very-valuable help given with the interior decorations during the winter, and recently completed. We cannot rate too highly the value, to the Hospital, of the services of skilled and efficient labour you have given us free of all cost to ourselves, thus enabling us to have necessary painting done which we should have been unable to afford without this help. With grateful and sincere thanks, Yours faithfully, (Signed) EDWARD MIDWINTER, Chairman and Treasurer. 29-1-36. Dear Captain Evans, .... I cannot refrain from adding a personal note, to tell you that the new paint which has altered the appearance of the place, and has changed drab shabbiness into an appearance of freshness, makes such a difference to all of us who work here. The men were all so obliging and quick and considerate, and we are so very grateful to them all and to the Winter Distress League. It changed a negative appearance into something really positive and attractive, which was so worth while. Yours sincerely, (Signed) A. A. ANTHONY, Matron. The
Dear Captain Evans, I am personally writing to thank you for having come to our rescue and helping us to paint a large portion of the Hospital which, without your assistance, could not have been done, owing to our unfortunate financial position at the moment. I would also like to mention the excellent behaviour of the men sent and the courtesy of the Foreman in meeting the many difficulties encountered in completing the work. Yours sincerely, (Signed) O. E. ARGLES, Secretary-Manager. The
Dear Sir, I should be glad if you would convey to the Chairman of the Winter Distress League my thanks and those of the. Nursing Staff for the consideration shewn by the workmen when on duty at the Hospital, and for the quiet and orderly way in which they went about their work. Their task was a somewhat difficult one as they had to fit in with the convenience of the many and varied Departments. Yours truly, (Signed) M. BLOOR, Matron. Stepney Infant Welfare Centre and Babies' Nursing Home. Dear Miss Neville, I am writing on behalf of my Committee to thank you and the Winter Distress League for so kindly carrying rut our redecorations. We are very pleased with our four fresh clean rooms: the work has been well done and the men were so quiet and obliging and seemed really interested in making the rooms look their very best. The little new Ward, which was rather a dismal room now looks most attractive. We are truly grateful to you, Captain Evans, and the Committee of the League. Thank you so much. Yours sincerely, T. A. GEORGE, Secretary.
Dear Miss Neville, Your men have done the garden beautifully and tomorrow I will take some photographs which I hear Major Ireland wanted But, when they brought the tools back and keys I was out and so unfortunately could not say a word to the “ganger." I wonder if I could have his name and address. He took a lot of trouble. We are delighted with the whole thing and though the Committee will write to you, I felt I must send my thanks. Yours sincerely (Signed) ELEANOR HOARE. The
Dear Sir, At the end of the winter I am taking this opportunity of writing to say how very deeply this Society appreciates the manner in which the Winter Distress League has co-operated with them in their efforts to tidy up waste places connected with, Churches and other Institutions unable to do the work themselves. During the winter you have helped us with:
St. Jude's Church, Bethnal Green. We have been given a greenhouse for this plot so that the work you have done here has not only enabled seven men to have allotments, but has enabled the Society to use it as a centre for distribution of seedlings, etc., to those in the neighbourhood. Princess Elizabeth of
St. Bartholomew's Church, Bethnal Green. The ground round the Church and new Hall has been put in order, much, to the appreciation of the vicar and the parishioners. This is a particularly poor parish which has made a splendid effort during the past year building this new hall. They were most grateful for the help you gave and we have since been able to send plants and shrubs.
The Church Council wrote:"Will you please thank the men who did the work and tell them how very grateful we are to them for removing what has for so long been an eye-sore to
Yours faithfully. (Signed) BARBARA MURRAY, Hon. Secretary, General Purposes Committee. St. Peter's Vicarage, Dear Miss Neville, I am requested by the foreman to write and let you know that the men have finished their work in setting our ground in order. May 1 express our very warm thanks for the way in which your organisation has done this long-wanted piece of work for us and done it so splendidly ? We have long been worried about the state of the field and had not the means or the labour to have it levelled and cleared. May I add a word of appreciation of the good behaviour and work of the men. With many thanks, Yours very truly, (Signed) C. W. NYE, Vicar, St. Peter's, Becontree. Crossway
Dear Miss Neville, Many thanks for your letter of the 27th inst., informing us that your Society will be unable to pay the wages of the Supervisor of our Unemployed Men's Centre after the 29th May. May we take this opportunity of expressing our deep gratitude for your kindness in undertaking this liability for us during the past six months ? If it were not for your generous help it would have been impossible for us to keep the Centre going and we shall be glad if you will please accept and convey to your Committee our heartfelt thanks. Yours sincerely, (Signed) TOM W. ROFF. St. Mary Magdalene. Paddington. The Church House, Dear Miss Neville, I have been expecting to receive your letter! It is extremely good of you to go on paying for our Supervisor for so long. I am sure" it is money well spent. The L.C.C. inspector assures me that our Unemployed Club is a good one and has a good tone. This is almost entirely due to Gatward (the steward). Yours sincerely, (Signed) C. GAULT. LETTERS FROM THE MEN. Dear Sir, I want to thank you, also the League, for these few months work they found me, Sir it has been a great help to me, also my wife and children, this is the first Christmas for, or, about 10 or 12 year I have had in work, so you can see how thankfull I was, of your great help, Sir I do not know how to thank the League, and you Sir for your kindness, which I think was a God send to me. I remain, your Truly, M. C. Dear Miss Neville, I take this opportunity to thank you and your fellow-committee members for the help given to me during the past winter. I also appreciate the kindness shown to me by Capt. Evans and Mr. Beech. It may interest you to know that I was fortunate to obtain employment within a few days of leaving you. Hoping that if I should ever need help in the future you will come to my aid again. Yours sincerely, E. G. 19. 4. 36. Dear Miss Neville, I would like to thank you for the work you gave to me, after my illness, I feel very much improved, and feel I can now take a position, without any fear, and I can assure you, I appreciate very much your kindness for giving me that chance, which would have been very difficult for me, else where, my Wife sends you her thanks also, in closing I again thank you sincerely. Yours faithfully, (Signed) T. J 1. 2. 36. I am writing to you as my time for employment is drawing to a close for which I must thank you very much as it has been a great help to me after being out of work so long. It has enabled me to straighten things up a little at home. I remain, Yours faithfully, H. A. June 5, 1936. I write to you to express my gratitude to you for such a real effort to help me to live. I have been employed at the
For this real help, from you and the Society which you represent you have the gratitude of my Wife and the Children who are dependent on us. Wishing you God Speed in your work, for the Distressed. I remain yours Sincerely, R. W. 12.1.35 Dear Madam, Just a few lines thanking you for the employment that you found for me at the Prince of Wales Hospital Tottenham. I cannot tell in writing how much I appreciate your kindness and trust that I gave full satisfaction in the way I carried out my labour whilst employed by yon. I am Madam, Yours faithfully, Miss Neville Dear Lady, It is with great pleasure I am forwarding this letter thanking you extremely for the extension of work, which, you so kindly granted me, and only hope my service has been beneficial to you. I am the man who rode from Stafford to
Yours truly, Mr. P. WHAT SHILLINGS CAN DO. The League will always help a man who has a definite job in view to take it. It seems almost incredible that a few shillings will often stand between a man and the job he has sought so persistently, but we are constantly finding men who, were it not for the League, would have to watch their chance fade away. For instance : Toc H recommended a man to us who had pawned and sold everything before at long last a job appeared on his horizon butit required a spirit level and he neither had one nor the money to buy one. We provided it and he got his job. A home for destitute men told us one of their men had got work as an assistant cook provided he had the regulation white coat and apron. We bought them and the destitute man became a working citizen. Another man came to us through a well-known lady to whom he had written. He had found a job a long way out of
Here is one boy's own letter : 28.2.36. I am very Happy and I like living here very much. I should like to live down here all the summer but I should like to see my Mother and father. I go and play in the fields with my friends and have a grand time. I want to thank you for helping to send me to the country. From REGGIE. And here are two from delighted parents : Dear Miss Neville, I am now thanking the League very much indeed for their kindness towards my children and I. Well I must say the t, children had a most lovely time at Kettering and they look quite fat and well, especially my little girl Violet who is on the delicate side of health. 1 can assure you it helped me also them being away. I am please to say Mrs. Potter was very kind to them. Dear Miss Neville I am also thanking you very much for your Christmas Dinner which I was very please to receive. This dinner came a great gift to me. Dear Miss Neville I think this is all. Thanking you and the League once again. So I will now close. Wishing you and all the League The Best of Luck. I remain, Yours Truly, Mrs. A. E-
Dear Miss Neville, Just a few lines to hoping that they will find you in. the best of health & hope that you will excuse me in not writting sooner to vou. Well Miss I must tell you that we owe you and your committee a tremendous lot in regards to sending my three children away to Burton Latimer I had no Idea that they would return to us so brown and bonny and the way you clothe and cared for them I really cannot express to you how greatfull my wife and self for your Love and kindness you showed to them it as built them up for the next winter may God richly bless you in all you undertake I am sure that you will be greatly rewarded in the end and you may use this letter if you wish at any time and you can rest assured that as long as 1 live I will never forget you and your wonderful! organization.
R. T. HAPPY CHRISTMAS ! At the end of the year we indulge in special efforts to make Christmas a real day of joy in as many homes as possible. Special funds are collected, and several Companies of Girl Guides have become a sort of Corps of Santa Clauses for us, sending toys, clothing, books, etc. We are so very grateful to the Enfield Brownies, and the Hampstead, St. Pancras,
Dear Miss Neville, I feel as I must write and give you all our sincere thanks for helping us in the way you have this Xmas in sending to that kind Lady. If you could have seen all my little ones faces as we were unpacking the box, you would have been glad that the Lady sent it, it is wonderful to feel that people have such a good heart. Every thing they have sent is lovely most of all the warm clothes for Ilahy Pat and all the little ones. Mr. N. cannot express enough his thankfulness to you for it all. We all wish you and yours a happy and healthy New Year and we will all be thinking of you. Bye Bye Lady and Thank you. (Signed) Mr. and Mrs. N. The Secretary, Dear friends, Just a few lines of thanks for your Christmas gift, which we received from you on the 24th/12/1935- I really don't know how to thank you as I am still out of work and when we received your letter it was really a god send as I only got my money from the Labour exchange and we could not have wished for a better Dinner than we had With the joint of beef you gave us. Sending our thanks and best wishes for the New Year, from yours, faithfully, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dear Miss Neville, We thank you and your Subscribers for our nice Xmas parcel which we received and we all had a very nice Xmas hoping you had the same, and we thank you once again for your kindness show to us, in our trying times. Yours truley. Mr. & Mrs. N. T. The following brings rather a lump to one's throat, doesn't it ? Dear Sir, I writing you from the Infirmary where I was taken on Friday having collapsed on the way to the dole. The children are being cared for by my mother till things are right again, she has received parcel quite safe, the children are delighted with its contents, though not being able myself to view them I've had a good description which made me very pleased. Excuse me Sir I'm tired. Thanking you, (Signed) W. P. Good luck. A Merry Xmas. ABOUT THE MEN WE HELPED. Now for a few of those statistics without which no self-respecting Report is complete. We have directly employed 279 men and helped 673 others to take up jobs; while 2,103 men were interviewed at our offices, exclusive of applicants for employment. That involves more than a few formal questions; it means that a real effort is made to find out if there is any way in which we can help, and not infrequently a way of easing, part of the burden can be suggested; but even talking over difficulties with someone who is obviously sincere in their interest is often a relief to a depressed and worried man. Here is a list of the occupations followed by the men helped this season, which shows how far-reaching are the effects of economic depression and trade dislocation.
Some of our subscribers like to "adopt" a man for a given period, and it is a method we very much favour, for on both sides it fosters a sense of human relationship which is of great value. Details of several cases are given, the subscriber selects one and undertakes to pay the wages for a period of weeks or months, receiving regular reports of the family's hopes, needs and so forth, the man on his side being aware that he has a special friend. This year 15 men were "adopted" in this way. Here arc the facts about a few of the men employed last season, initials being altered to safeguard the confidential nature of our work. J.E. had been for 20 years with one firm as woodwork machinist, but the firm was sold up in 1922, and he had been unable to get any work, for alas! a very long reference often proves the worst kind of reference to have. He had five dependent children and one boy earning 16/-. There was a rent of 15/3 and their income was £1. 19s. from the Unemployment Assistance Board. J.E. proved a most excellent worker, one of the best we have employed this year, and that is very high praise, for our standard is always high. H.S. served throughout the War in
A.G. had formerly been a South Wales miner and came to
B.F. was a young fellow, aged 19, with a wife and a few months' old baby. Since leaving school he had worked as a butcher's assistant, earning 35/- a week, a very inadequate sum on which to keep a wife and child. The result was a tragic one. F. embezzled some money and was dismissed. He applied to the Relieving Officer for relief and told his story quite frankly. When asked if he had stolen much money he replied: " Yes, a very large sum." It turned out to be £2 16s. The story was verified and it appeared he had collected some customers' accounts and kept the money. The employer refused to give him another chance. One of our subscribers "adopted" him for four months; he did exceedingly well, and was most grateful for the chance given him. W.D. was aged 46, married, with 5 dependent children and a boy of 16 who had been out of work for a month. The total income of the family was 36/- unemployment allowance to the parents, and 10/- to the boy, out of which a rent of 16/-, 4/6 insurance, and two small debts which were being paid at 1/- a week each had to be paid, leaving 23/6 to feed, warm and clothe 8 people. W.D. had been employed by one firm for ten years until 1931 and was only discharged owing to slackness of trade. The family had had a terrible struggle for four years, but they had never asked anyone for help, and their circumstances were only discovered by the Secretary of a School Care Committee being interested in the children. W.D. was "adopted" and did very well. H.A., aged 40, married with two dependent children and one girl of 15, earning 14/- weekly. This man was known to our Secretary through her Public Assistance Committee. The Relieving Officer and the Committee had a very good opinion of him, in spite of the fact that he had had practically no work since 1926. Previous to that, he had worked as a ship-repairer at the docks for twelve years. No one could understand how it was that he bad had no work for so long, for he undoubtedly wanted it and went out seeking it from morning till night. It was thought that probably one reason was that he had got into a very depressed state, and perhaps therefore did not give an impression of energy, which is so necessary when seeking work in the labour market. This man was also " adopted " by a subscriber, who generously paid his wages for four months. He proved a most excellent worker and absolutely justified our belief that he would make good, so much so that he was made a ganger. (See letter of appreciation under initials "H.A." on p. 7). D.F., married, aged 41, with 6 dependent children and two boys at work. The eldest dependent child, Annie, was a cripple aged 15, attending a P.D. school. Rent £1 0s. 3d. per week for a Council house. The C.O.S. wrote to us as follows:" The case is rather an interesting one, as the family were at one time very low down, but Annie aspired to higher things, and insisted on haying the front door kept shut and inspired her parents practically to force the Borough Council into giving them a house, and they have actually risen from a slum to their present heights. There is only one week's rent owing, which they have been paying off by instalments. D.F. does not mind what he turns his hand to. He was pleased to earn 2/6 and his tea by carrying round a sandwich board recently." Such a family is well worth helping, don't you think ? Certainly a subscriber felt that way, for she kindly "adopted " the man, and we were able to keep him in work chiefly through her help for three months. OUR ROYAL BENEFACTORS. Our beloved and revered King George V. sent us, as he so often did, a contribution of £50. How many good causes are grieving, not only for the passing of a noble King, but for the loss of one whose heart was ever open to all that benefited his people, and whose interest was never bestowed carelessly. Her Majesty Queen Mary, and our present King, then Prince of Wales, also encouraged us by a renewal of their patronage. THE MONEY BRINGERS. As usual our most successful collector was the 1934-35 Report. We are so unspeakably grateful for the encouragement that brings us. Probably every social worker has moments of utter depression, when the size of the problems and the inadequacy of his or her efforts seem crushing, but when our subscribers in effect say "This is worth while," one turns away from the giant Despair, and remembers that to individuals numerical totals are not momentous. Their tragedy is as great whether it is an unusual or a general one, and every man snatched out of the slough of despond by the League brings with him a wife and little ones, so that even the statistical record means much more than the figures indicate. The average is 4-58 dependents per man it sounds like a Solomon's judgement executed, doesn't it? but that's how statistics work. So thank you, subscribers, not only for your much-coveted pence, shillings and pounds, but for your interest and responsiveness and understanding of what the League's work means in terms of human salvage. Last April we were faced with the stern fact that we must either find some way of replenishing our funds or close down our schemes, including the employment of those men at
(Miss Neville is again remonstrating that nothing which happened after May 31st has any right in this report. We can't help it, such nice news must just gatecrash, only of course those financial autocrats, our Auditors, will ignore June, July, etc., contributions, and they won't appear in the accounts. Well, we shall just repeat our jubilations next season, so, in spite of the End of the Financial Year, and Miss Neville, and the Auditors, Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah !) Our other income bringers (before May 31st, of course) were : (a) our usual organised appeal; (b) a Christmas (press) appeal sponsored by Canon Sheppard, whose unfailing kindness to us is one of our most precious possessions; (c) a Carol Party organised and given by the St. Mary Abbott's Singers, and (d) our annual Jumble Sale. This
(e) We received £557 5s. 3d. from Sunday cinema performances : 12 Cinemas now help us in this way and we are hoping to be successful in enlisting the help of yet more. (f) Then we organised an Amateur Concert. At least it was called that, hut the musical standard was first class professional, as you'll realise by this wonderful list of artistes :
We are most grateful to Mrs.J.Benskin, C.B.E., who lent us her lovely house in Belgrave Square and hospitably added a most delicious tea to her generosities to us; to Miss Ridley who so ably organised the concert, to the artistes who sent everyone away wanting to stay for more, and to the audience who made the occasion so profitable as well as pleasant. (g) The Clothing Department received 429 parcels, exclusive of special Christmas gifts; expressed financially, those parcels mean £321 15s. 0d. (h) Miss Bushby most gallantly continued to organise and control the sale of matches in restaurants, etc., and gained several new and promising centres. She asked to be relieved of this work last year, and we are very graceful for her goodness in carrying on for so long. The excellent work initiated by her will be run in future from the office and it is nice to be able to record a good expansion of the work, which is valuable as a means of making the League and its work known, as well as for the actual monetary results. So much help is given to us in so many ways, that the best method seems to be to issue an immense and heartfelt THANK YOU, and ask everybody concerned to multiply it and multiply it and believe that even then they won't have brought it up to what is in our hearts and minds. To The Press. The value of editorial notice is pretty generally realised nowadays, and we know that we are fortunate indeed in having gained the interest of Fleet Street without which we should he so handicapped in making the League's work known, for rightly or wrongly, we have never felt it would be justifiable to use the funds given us for purposes of speculative advertising. To Miss Nettlefold and Miss Mclntosh for the continued loan of their nice dry cellar as a clothing store. To the 12 Cinemas which have included the Winter Distress League in their list of institutions which benefit from their Sunday performances. We will gladly tell subscribers which Cinemas they are, for they deserve our practical support as well as our verbal thanks. To The Regent Advertising Club for asking 20 of our children to the party they gave for the National Advertising Benevolent Society Children. To Voluntary helpers in the office: Mrs. Dashwood, Mrs. Cecil Eaton, Mrs. Holt, Miss Lea, Miss Morison and Mrs. Tree, and to Mrs. Cutler and Miss Murray in the Clothing Department. We feel we must add an extra and special word of gratitude to Mrs. Eaton, who has given us regular help, week after week ever since 1925, and who has now gone to live out of towna great loss to us. And special mention of Miss Morison is surely admissable, for she works whole time and regularly in the office, wholly refuting the diatribes so often levelled at the "voluntary worker." To Mr. H. Pollitt, the Town Clerk of
To Messrs. Cadbury Pratt & Co. Ltd. for their very useful gift of bacon, much appreciated by all who received some of it. To our kind though stern Hon. Auditors and to our ever helpful Hon. Solicitor. PATRONS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Two of our Patrons have died since the issuing of the last Report, Admiral Lord Beatty and Susan, Duchess of Somerset. Both had helped us in definite ways and we remember them gratefully. Executive Committee. Long association had bound us with ties of affection and admiration to Miss Ranken, who died last Spring. She not only served on the Committee but had worked regularly in the office ever since the League started, and the staff and voluntary workers as well as her colleagues on the Executive Committee have lost a friend and comrade. She gave quietly and unobtrusively but lavishly of all she had to give, including herself, and she will be greatly missed and lovingly held in memory in the League's offices. (Signed on behalf of the Council) LUKE, ETHEL M. WOOD, FRANCIS GOODENOUGH, Honorary Treasurer. |
Hon. Auditors : MESSRS. L. R. STEVENS & CO., Chartered Accountants, 5, Guildhall Chambers,
Secretary: MISS NEVILLE, 2.1,
*Members of Executive Committee |