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Newspaper article 16 January 1935


Piggott's Lane
The arrow on this 1950 photograph shows where the lorry
would have been parked in Piggott's Lane


There seems to be no limit to the escapades of mischievous boys, and this was evidenced at Burton Latimer on Tuesday.

Piggotts Lane, which leads to The Coles Boot Co’s premises, also runs into High Street just a few yards below one of the bus stops from Kettering to Finedon. Fortunately, when the incident recorded below happened, the street was clear.

In Piggotts Lane, a railway motor-lorry driver was parked, while, it is reported, the driver was away for dinner. Below in the same lane stood a small car belonging to Mr Smith.

But three lads took a fancy to the larger and more imposing vehicle.

Whether the intention was to prove their skill by starting up the engine and proceeding up the lane, where the vehicle would have struck Brown’s row of cottages, which are at the end of the lane – that is presuming they were unable to steer it round to the boot factory already referred to – is not known.


At any rate, they first took off the brakes and consequently no engine was necessary to make the vehicle run back, for the lane is on an incline. The vehicle struck the small car, having no respect for a poor, harmless 7 hp baby vehicle, and went straight across the road to the house occupied by Mr Phil Bugby.

No brake was necessary to stop it there – for the house, well built and of many years’ standing, did all that was necessary, and a little bit beyond.

There were no personal injuries, but the lorry, baby car, and the house bear signs of the collision.

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