The headline above, relates to a County Court case before His Honour Judge Snagge reported by the Northampton Mercury 28 October 1892. Posting stations were sites rented by bill stickers on which they pasted their advertising posters.
Gregory C. Tompkins, advertising agent, Kettering, brought an action for trespass against James Nicholls, of the same trade and also living at Kettering. - Mr Rawlins appeared for the plaintiff and stated that Mr. Tompkins had been much annoyed by the defendant posting bills over those which had been posted by him at his private posting stations. Amongst those stations, Mr. Rawlins proved, was one at Burton Latimer, and witnesses were called showing that on the 30th June defendant was seen to put up there large bills containing the words “VOTE FOR LORD BURGHLEY.” - William Clipston, one of the witnesses, deposed that these placards were put up over bills that had been posted by Mr. Tompkins. His Honour: What was on the other bills vote for somebody else? (Laughter) Nicholls, in defence, admitted putting the bills on the wall, but said he did it on a blank space quite a way from the other bills.
His Honour said defendant had no right to use posting stations belonging to the plaintiff, and he would grant an injunction against him further trespassing. He would, however, limit the time say a year and a half, during which time the particular bill “VOTE FOR LORD BURGHLEY” might be wanted for posting again. (Laughter.) (To defendant who produced one of the bills): Put it up, you will want it again soon. (Renewed laughter.)
Defendant, in the course of his remarks, cast some aspersions on the plaintiff’s character, and Mr. Rawlins protesting, His Honour said he did not believe the statement. It was, he continued, well known that two of a trade could never agree, and to no class of people did this apply than to bill-stickers. They tried to outstick each other all day long. (Laughter.)
A posting
station in High
Caricature of Lord
Burghley by Ape
published in Vanity Fair
in 1887 - Wikipedia
Typical posting station on
a barn wall belonging to
Hilly Farm, High Street