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Article taken from The Northamptonshire Advertiser dated 29th November1968

Help Pours in for Burton Children

Children at St. Mary's School surround some of the pets given by various people to replace those cruelly tortured to death.

Pets were cruelly tortured to death at a Burton Latimer school in a break-in last weekend. But thanks to the kindness of local  people the School now has its full complement of animals.

St. Mary's School, Burton Latimer was entered during the weekend and cash was stolen. But before the thieves left they tortured and killed a guinea pig and two hamsters by pouring cleaning powder on them and drowning them. And they killed fish in the school aquarium by putting washing-up fluid in their tanks.

When local people heard the story they rushed to the aid of the tearful pupils by offering their own pets.

Midland Pet Stores, Wellingborough through its manager, Mr R. A. Watts and proprietor, Mr H.J. Stephens gave a hamster, guinea pig, mouse and gerbil. Miss Alex Morley, of Station Road, Burton Latimer, gave some goldfish and an anonymous donor slipped in a guinea pig to the school.         

Many other people rang the headmaster, Mr W. K. Pringle, with offers of help. He  thanked them all. "It just shows - there is more good than evil in the world," he said.

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