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Council Junior School
Miss Clipson's Class 1956-57

Burton Latimer Council School - Miss Clipson's Class 1956-7

Back row: 1. Warren Austin, 2. Stephen Lovell, 3. Alan Short, 4. Pat Stokes, 5. ---?---, 6. Bev Cox, 7. Steve Ellerby 8. Philip Sturman, 9. Peter Forscutt, 10. Peter Hobson

Third row: 1. Susan Wiles, 2. Glen Harrison, 3. Philip Slater, 4. Wayne Dukes, 5. Ted Coleman, 6. Ernie Wallington, 7. ---?--- Gaffrey, 8. Paul Adkins, 9. Johnny Johnson, 10. ---?---

Second row: 1. Patricia Childs, 2. Pat Hyde, 3. Susan Brunet, 4. Susan Jempson, 5. Teresa Randall, 6. Veronica Patterson, 7. Diane Cotterell, 8. Mary Lally, 9. Marilyn Brown, 10. Christine Cox, 11. Sandra Thompson, 12. Jaquie Dernie

Front Row: 1. Angela Feary, 2. Maria Wright, 3. Kathleen Smith, 4. Carol Althorpe, 5. Margaret turner, 6. Irene Firkins, 7. Sheila Staley, 8. Kathleen Benford, 9. Susan Underwood, 10. Janet Toseland, 11. Carol Elmore, 12. Jennifer Niblett

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