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Meadowside Infants School
Mrs Pearson's Class 1987

Meadowside Infants School - Mrs Pearson's Class 1987

We are indebted to Ron Carter for supplying the photo and his daughter Beccy for giving us the names.

Back row: Mrs Pearson, 1. Gemma Blythe, 2. Natalie Robinson, 3. Angela Tarry, 4. Melissa Charles 5. Joanne Washington, 6. Joanne Binder, 7. Brett Sturgess

Third row: 1. Shaun Baines, 2. Stuart Grainger, 3. Lee Burns, 4. Jeremy Taylor, 5. Lucy Machin, 6. Adam Patrick, 7. Jenny Dicks

Second row: 1. Marc Smith 2. Racheal Allen, 3. Matthew Thorne, 4. Simon Blythe, 5. Stephanie Wakefield, 6. Rebecca Hulett, 7. Glen McCarthy

Front row: 1. Beccy Carter 2. Tammy Wigley, 3. Theresa Callanan, 4. Lisa Cooke, 5. Wayne Laundon, 6 Andrew Innes, 7. Daniel Smith

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