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Meadowside Junior School
Mrs Cooke's Class (3Y) : 2003-4

Meadowside Junior School 2003-4 - Mrs Cooke's Class : 3Y

Our grateful thanks go to Jan Meads Jr for supplying the photo and all of the names.

Back row: 1. Scott Tetley, 2. Richard Kelland, 3. Ryan Barclay, 4. Natasha McIntyre, 5. Sophie Kerrou, 6. David Boddington, 7. Lucy Galway, 8. Mrs Fuoco (classroom assistant).

Third row: 1. Luke Collins, 2. Janelle Coles, 3. Jordan Hearn, 4. Josh Law, 5. Chloe Flynn, 6. Jessica Fairweather, 7. Rachel Field, 8. Nathan Keen, 9. Vinny Fuoco.

Second row: 1. Samuel Roe, 2. Jack Whitney, 3. Jack Meads, 4. Caitlin Barlow, 5. Jasmine Passie, 6. Joshua Hicks, 7. Amberley Edgar, 8. Tabitha Pasqualio, 9. Jordan Coles.

On Floor: 1. Richard Ashcroft, 2. Kimberley Kingsnorth, 3. Reece Weston, 4. Danielle Slow, 5. Ryan Chapman.

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