Articles from local newspapers 1969-75 transcribed by Raylee Burton |
July 4th 1969 Town And Its Schools Questions about schools in Burton Latimer were put to the Secretary of State for Education and Science in the Commons yesterday by Sir Geoffrey de Freitas (Lab, He asked how many schools there were in the town, how many had been opened since 1945, and how many he estimated would be opened during the next five years. The Joint Minister of State, Miss Alice Bacon, replied; “Three, none and one respectively.” Sir Geoffrey also asked how many school children there were in Burton Latimer, approximately what had been the increase since 1945 and how many he estimated there would be in 1974. Miss Bacon replied that “483 attend the local primary schools and 269 secondary schools in July 18th 1969 Commons Reply On New School Sir Geoffrey De Freitas, (Lab., Kettering) asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science in the Commons yesterday in what year he expected the next new school to be opened in Burton Latimer, and for what ages of children the school would be used. The Joint Parliamentary Secretary, Miss Alice Bacon, replied: “I expect the school to be open by September 1971. It will be for children aged five to seven.” March 21st 1975 School query The Government’s decision on the proposed transfer of pupils and teachers from the This was stated by the Education Under Secretary, Mr Ernest Armstrong, in a Commons written reply to Sir Geoffrey de Freitas (Lab, Mr Armstrong said four letters had been received about the problems created for the children concerned, by the delay in reaching a decision. There had been many more last year, registering objections to the statutory proposals for these schools, he said.