Transcribed by Janet Meads 2016 |
DECLARATION OF WITNESS MARTHA MILLER 9TH DECEMBER 1853 I Martha Miller of Burton Lattimer in the County of Northampton Spinster aged sixty years and upwards do solemnly and sincerely declare That I was born at Burton Lattimer aforesaid and have lived there all my life. That I am the Sister of David Miller lately of Burton Lattimer aforesaid Baker deceased. That That my said Brother David Miller married Hannah Leete of Islip in the County aforesaid. That he never had any other wife than the said Hannah. That they were married in Islip aforesaid in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty. That the said Hannah the Wife of my said Brother David Miller died at Burton Lattimer aforesaid in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty two and was buried at Burton Lattimer. That my said Brother David Miller survived her and died at Burton Lattimer aforesaid on the nineteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty eight and was buried there. That my said Brother David Miller left only three children him surviving namely a Daughter Susannah Miller (who is now unmarried and lives at Twywell in the County of Northampton) a Son Leete Miller who is the eldest Son of the said David Miller (who now resides with me) and a Son William Miller (who now also resides with me). That the said David Miller never had any other Children than the said Susannah Miller, Leete Miller and William Miller (except a Son Benjamin who died about twenty seven or twenty eight years ago an Infant about a month old and was buried at Burton Lattimer and a Daughter Fanny Martha who died about fourteen or fifteen years ago aged about ten years and was buried at Burton Lattimer. That the said Susannah Miller, Leete Miler and William Miller were all baptised at the Parish Church of Burton Lattimer, and they are all of full age, the said Susannah Miller being now aged about thirty three years, the said Leete Miller about thirty one years and the said William Miller about twenty eight years. And I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Provisions of An Act made and passed in the sixth year of the Reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth intituled An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament intituled an Act for the more effectual abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various departments of the State and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extra judicial Oaths and Affidavits and to make other provisions for the abolition of unnecessary Oaths. Martha Miller Declared and subscribed by the above named Martha Miller at Burton Lattimer in the County of Northampton on the Ninth day of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty three Before me Wm. Murphy Commissioner to administer Oaths in Chancery in England