In the name of God Amen. The laste daie of Januarie in the yere of our Lorde god one thousand sixe hundred and one and in the ffower and ffowertieth yeare of the Reigne of our sovereign Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande ffrance and Irelande. Queene defender of the faithe etc. I Dorothie Brumfylde of Burton Lattimer in the Countie of Northampton Spinster beinge sicke and diseased in Bodye but of good and perfect remembrances lawde and praise be given to god therefore doe constitute ordeine and make this my laste will and testament in manner and forme following Imprimis I give and bequeathe my Sowle into the handes of Almightye god my Creator trusting that after the tyme of my Pilgrimage heere passed throughe the merrittes of Christes passion I shalbe coheire with him in his Everlasting glorye and my bodie to decent and comelie Buriall in the parrishe Churche or Churcheyearde where it shall please god to call me and as for such temporall goodes as it hath pleased god to enriche me withall after my Buriall and funerall expences discharged it is my will and mynde that they be thus disposed. Item I give and bequeathe to my brother Chapman my brother Ellyott and my sister Ellyott his wife everye of them Tenn shillings beinge the one half of Three pounds remaining with my Brother Chapman to buye them Ringes to be worne in remembrance of me, Item to my Sister Chapman my candlestick. To my Sister Agnes my ffetherbedd and Bolster one holland sheete and one flaxen sheete one Dyaper Tableclothe Sixe Napkins one brasse potte Two pewter platters and one pewter Dishe one Blankett. Item to my sister ffrancys my best gowne one hollande sheete one flaxen sheete one tableclothe one Towell one kettle one Platter and two pewter disshes. Item to my sister Elizabeth one paire of Hemptere sheetes. Item to my Sister Ellyott one open seamed holland sheete which remayneth with my sister Chapman in Recompence of hir givinge me a windinge sheete. Item I give to my Sister Laugham my two worse gownes and the petticoate my Brother Ellyott gave me and my greene Apron one Smocke one Apron one good Band one Coresett. And to my Sisters Elizabeth and Agnes each of them one smocke one Band one Apron one Stomacher one quoise one gorgett. Item to my sister Johane my second hatte and blacke silke apron. And to my sister Chapman my best hatte. And to my Sister Agnes my seconde best kyrtles my Sister ffrancys the next. To my sister Laugham the worste And to my Sister Ellyott I give for hir love and paines taken with me my blacke silke kirtle my paire of knyves and one holland kerchief which was my Mothers and one hollad Smocke. Item I give to oulde Treene Lythell, Mother Britchfed, Alice Meller, Mother Clercke and Joane Mynor of Thingdon ffower pence a peece. Item to the poore of Burton Tenn shillinges to be bestowed at the discretion of my Brother Ellyott. Item to Robert Michell, Lawrence Maninge, Ely Cox, Twelve pence a peece And to my Brother Ellyotts two Boyes Sixe pence a peece and to Ely Coxe aforesaid one apron and one paire of sleyves. Item to my brother Ellyott I give my truncke and all the rest of my welthe and goodes not before given or bequeathed and doe make him my fulle and sole Executor to see this my last will & testament performed as my truste is he will. In wittnes whereof I have hereunto subscribed my marke the daie and yeare above written. The marke of Dorothy Bromfyld. In the presence of James Horrockes, Elizabeth Coxe, Elin Graby and others.
Proved in London but written in Latin so not transcribed.
* Until 1752 the new year started on 25th March