From National Archives - transcribed by Janet Meads 2020 |
The Will of Elizabeth Taylor - Spinster
Part of the copy of Elizabeth Taylor's will held at the National Archives
I Elizabeth Taylor being now in my right mind do make this my last Will & Testimony. I give & bequeath all the money I have & likewise that which comes to me at my Grandmothers death to my Aunt Elizabeth Baker wishing her to pay my Funeral expences & likewise to pay my Uncle John Boddington of Kettering £50 my Uncle Thomas Boddington of Finedon £50 my Aunt Frances Vincent £50 my Aunt Mary Routon of Lowick £20 & my Silver pint to my Uncle Edward’s widow at Farndish £20. I could wish after my Funeral Expences are paid that my Grandmother might have the Interest of the money that is left for her life & for my Aunt Baker to receive it at her death & then pay the above legacies. I give & bequeath all my linen wearing apparel bed quilts & other things that may be found in my drawers & chest to be equally divided between my Cousin Elizabeth ..... my Cousin Ann Smith my Cousin Ann Wallis & my Cousin Frances Vincent. I give to my Aunt J. Boddington half a dozen silver teaspoons marked E.P. & silver cream jug to my Aunt T. Boddington a pair of table spoons marked E.P. & the reflections on the new testament my mourning which is in the Brown Box I should wish the Servant to have and other plate that is left should wish my Aunt Baker to keep herself. Eliz. Baker Witness Novr. 21 1812. Thos. Burnaby Farmer
Appeared personally John Boddington of Kettering in the County of Northampton Grazier & Thomas Burnaby of Burton Lattimer in the same County Grazier & being sworn on the holy Evangelists to depose the truth maketh oath as follows viz that they know and are intimately acquainted with Elizabeth Taylor late of Burton Lattimer in the County of Northampton aforesaid Spinster deceased for several years before & up to the time of her death and also with her manner & character of handwriting & enscription having often seen her write & write subsribe her name to writing & thereby became acquainted therewith & having with care & attention viewed & perused the paper being hereunto annexed purporting to be & contain the last will & testament of the said deceased beginning thus “I Elizabeth Taylor being in my right senses do make this my last will & testament“ ending thus “Witness Novr. 21 1812. Eliz. Baker - Thos. Burnaby Farmer”. They these deponents say that they verily & in their consciences believe that the whole body series & contents of the annexed paper writing save & except the said names and Figures in the second page thereof viz witness Novr. 21 1812 Eliz. Baker Thos. Burnaby Farmer is all of the proper hand writing of the said Elizabeth Taylor Spinster deceased and the said John Boddington for himself further saith having observed an erasure appearing on the eighth line from the top of the first page of the said will also the interlineation of the word “then” appearing wrote between the fourteenth & fifteenth lines from the top of the said first page also an erasure appearing on the 22nd line from the top of the said first page of the said will this deponant saith that the said erasures & interlineations were in the said will when the same was found by the said deponent in an Iron Chest in a Chamber in the dwelling house of (in which) the said Elizabeth Taylor lately lived and lastly this deponent maketh oath & saith that no alteration whatever hath been since made in the said will but that the name is now in every respect in the very same plight & condition as when he so found the same as aforesaid John Boddington - Thos. Burnaby - Sworn at Kettering in the County of Northampton upon the 3rd day of Sept. 1813 before me Joseph Knight Rector of Kettering and Commissioner for taking affidavit of proving Miss Elizth. Taylors Will.
On the 25th day of Septr. 1813 admon with will award of the Goods of Elizabeth Taylor late of Burton Latimer in the County of Northampton Spinster deceased was granted to John Boddington the uncle one of the next of kin & a legatee named in the said will being first sworn duly to ordain. Elizabeth Baker Wd. the Aunt & Executor according to the tenor of the said will died without having taken upon her the probate & Execution thereof & no Residuary Legatee being named in the said will. |