From National Archives - transcribed by Janet Meads 2020 |
The Will of John Michael, Yeoman
The first few lines of John Michaell's will
In the name of God Amen. I John Michaell of Burton Latimer in the County of Northampton yeoman being sicke in body but of sound and perfect memory (Praysed be God for the same doe, make and ordaine this my last will and testament thereby revoaking and making void all former wills by me made) in manner and forme following And ffirst as my Cheifest concerne I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping in and through the merits of my Saviour to be made Inheritor of that Kingdome which is prepared for the elect People of God And my body I comitt to the Earth from whence it originally derived att the discretion of my Executors hereafter named And as to that small personal Estate wherewith God Allmighty hath intrusted me in this world I give and dispose of as followeth. First I give devise and bequeath unto William Michaell my brother All that Messuage house or Teneament in Burton aforesaid now in the occupation of John Arch or his assignes together with all houses lands and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or apperteyning And all other my lands whatsoever in Burton aforesaid or elsewhere in the kingdom of England To hold to him his heires and assignes for ever. Item I giv and bequeath unto my uncle Robert Michael of Barton the summe of ffive pounds to be paid unto him within six months after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my said brother All the money and interest due to me from one Mr Sandford of Bobbin Court in Kent upon Two severall Bonds in all amounting to Thirty pounds Principall And from John Jayby? of Bobbin Aforesaid upon bonds (………….) Twenty pounds principall from one Mr Cobb Tenn pounds and seaven pounds ten shillings in arreare for wages owing Mr Signey Baer Esquire. Item I give and bequeath unto my said brother (after my debtes and legacies paid and funeral expences discharged). All the rest of my goodes and chattells whatsoever not hereby disposed of whom I make and ordeine sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal the Seaventh day of August Anno Domini one thousand six hundred and sixty nyne John Michaell. Sealed, signed and published in the presence of Ro: Hecote. The marke of Jonathan Midlebrooke
The remainder is written in Latin and not transcribed . Probate was granted to William Michaell. |