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From National Archives - Transcribed by Janet Meads 2020
The Will of William Lovell - Yeoman

Part of the copy of the will of William Lovell. In the Parish Registers William is described as
'husbandman' as well as 'yeoman'. He was also listed as Churchwarden between 1630 and 1641

In the name of God Amen: The fift day of November in the year of our Lord God one thousand five hundred fifty and seaven. I William Lovell of Burton Lattimer in the Countye of Northampton yeoman doe make and decare this my last Will and Testament in Writing Revokinge thereby both in word and deede all the other former Wills and Testaments assingt. I Commend my Soule unto the handes of Almightie God my maker hopeinge assuredlye through the onely merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour to be made pertaker of life everlasting And I commend my bodie to the earth whereof it is made, And for my worldlye goodes I give tenements chattel and Cattell. I give and bequeath as followeth ffirst I give and bequeath to my sonne Michell Lovell and to his heirs and assigns for ever the Nether house with twoe acres and a halfe of lands and one cowe common and a half and tenne sheepe common lyeinge and being in the severall feildes of Burton aforesaid to enter upon the same presently after the decease of his Mother Alsoe I give and bequeath to him and his heirs for ever one peece of ground lyeinge within the Parishe and feildes of burton aforesaid called Brookes peece and to enter on the same presentlie after the decease of his Mother payinge out of the same Twentie shillinges yearlie to the Almes house in Oundell. Item I give to my sonne Nicholas Lovell Twentye shillinges. Item I give to my daughter Jane Lovell thirtye poundes of lawfull money of England with that which she have alreadie in her hands To be paid unto her by my Executor or Executrix fower yeares next after my decease. Item I give to my daughter Anne Lovell the summe of thirtye poundes of like lawfull money with that which she have in alreadie in her hands to be paid unto her fower yeares next after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Edward Lovell and to his heirs and Assignes forever my house and three yeard land with th’appurtenances in Burton aforesaid to enter on the same presently after the decease of his Mother if he soe longe shall live payeinge all my debts and lagacies I Ellen my wife have not paid the same in her life tyme All the rest of my goods unbequeathed I wholly give and bequeath to Ellen my wife whom I make my whole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament If shee keepe herselfe widdowe But if it shall happen my said wife shall marry That then my Will is that all my goods and Cattell shalbe equally devided amongst my children then livinge at the discretion of my Overseers And I doe hereby ordaine William Short of Chellson and Cawcott and Thomas Lovell of Hollcott in the Countie of Northampton overseers of this my last Will and Testament And I doe give them for their paynes twentye shillinges a peece to be paid by my Executors or Executrix; In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written 1657 November. William Lovell his marke. William Wille Christofer Neale.
This will was proved at London the nynth day of March in the yeare of our Lord God according to the ……………………….. of the Church of England one thousand six hundred fifty seaven.

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