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John Meads 2017
Councillor' s Disclaimer

Recreation Ground shelter
The shelter in 1962, towards the end of its useful life. It was replaced by the
Community Centre in the mid-1970s

Evening Telegraph Wednesday 10 May 1939


Burton Latimer Council Comment on Morals

References to a new shelter which would be “a good place for courting couples” and “a danger to morals” were made at a meeting of  Burton Latimer Urban Council on Tuesday..

Coun. A. Barlow said he was pleased to see good progress was being made with the shelter in the Recreation Ground. It would be a good place for courting couples, he said.

Another councillor inquired if it was frosted glass or plain in the shelter, and whether it would be locked up at night.

Coun. A.C. Harris pointed out that as it would be left unlocked there might be some danger to morals.

Coun. R.J. Boxwell: I don’t think we need worry about morals in Burton Latimer.

The whole question will be considered further in committee.

Evening Telegraph Thursday 11 May 1939


Councillor Barlow and Burton Shelter

(To the Editor of the “Evening Telegraph”.)

Sir, - Will you contradict in this evening’s issue of the “Evening Telegraph” the most unjust and untrue statement regarding the following paragraph in your report of the Burton Latimer Urban Council:- “Coun. Barlow said he was pleased to see that good progress was being made with the shelter in the Recreation Ground. It would be a good place for courting couples.”

I certainly did not mention the sentence “It would be a good place for courting couples,” and I wish publicly to contrdict the accuracy of your report. Yours,


Broad View,

Burton Latimer.

May 10th.

            (We willingly publish Mr. Barlow’s disclaimer, and express regret that his name should have been incorrectly associated with the remark in question, which Coun. J. W. Patrick now informs us, was made in a jocular vein by himself. – Ed.)

Councillor Alfred Barlow Councillor Jack Patrick Councillor Ron Boxwell
Councillor Alfred Barlow, the disclaimer
Councillor Jack Patrick, who actually
made the remark
Councillor Ron Boxwell, who wasn't
worried about Burton's morals

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