Local newspaper article dated August 1900, transcribed by Sarah Gilbert. |
It is with profound regret that we have to announce the death of Miss Harper of Fern Bank, Burton Latimer, which occurred somewhat suddenly on Monday evening. Miss Harper attended the divine services at the
The great strides and growth of the Latimer Habitation of the Primrose League in recent years can be attributed in a large measure to the untiring efforts and liberality of Miss Harper, who as Hon. Secretary and Dame President has always shown a keen desire to further and help forward the principles for which the League was formed. Deceased, recognising the advantages derived from a penny savings bank, officiated for a long time as treasurer and secretary, receiving the contributions every Saturday at her own residence. The Executive Council of the Primrose League met on Tuesday evening, and passed a vote of condolence and sympathy with the family in their sad loss and bereavement. A similar resolution was passed at a meeting of the Conservative Association. Deceased has two surviving brothers, the Rev. H. Harpur, of Ivybridge, South Devonshire (and late of The mortal remains were laid to rest yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large assemblage of relations and sympathising friends. At two o’clock the funeral cortège left the deceased lady’s residence, situated under the shadows of the church in which she so regularly worshipped. The coffin, which was heavily laden with beautiful floral tributes, was borne on the hand bier, and was met at the churchyard gates by the Rev. W. B. Jacques, rector, and the surpliced choir. The organist played “O rest in the Lord” as the cortège entered the church. The chief mourners included the Rev. H. Harpur (brother), Miss Marion Harpur (niece), Mr. Latimer Harpur (brother), Miss Newman (Baldock), Miss Williamson (housekeeper), and Miss Dicks. Amongst the large congregation were noticed Mr. A. de Sales Turland (Ruling Councillor of the Latimer Habitation of the Primrose League), Mr. F. W. Preston (representing the Conservative Association), Messrs. T. Collins, F. G. Ball, W.W. Attfield, J. Boardman and J. B. Nutt (representing the Parish Council), Mrs. and the Misses Preston, Mrs. W. B. Jacques, Mrs. and Miss F. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. D. James, Mr. J. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. James, Miss James, Miss Burdett, Miss Barritt, Mrs. Stalker, Miss Loveday, Messrs. Haddon, A. Downing, F. Norton, W.H. Henson, J. F. Partridge, J. Dunkley, and many others. After the coffin had been deposited near to the entrance to the chancel, the opening prayers of the Burial Service were read by the Rev. W. B. Jacques. This was followed by the singing of the 90th psalm by the choir and Lesson read by the Rector commencing with the words, “Now is Christ risen from the dead”. The beautiful hymn “Peace, perfect peace” was sung, after which the body was removed to its last resting place, the solemn strains of the “Dead March” resounding through the sacred edifice in the meantime. The closing scenes at the graveside were very impressive, many in the large assembly being visibly affected as the coffin, containing the remains of one so dearly loved and respected, was lowered into the grave. The Rector read the remaining portion of the service, and the hymn “Brief life is here our portion” was also sung. The coffin was of polished oak with brass fittings, the breastplate bearing the inscription, “Augusta Harper, died July 30th, 1900: aged 71 years.” Many handsome floral tributes were placed upon the grave, these including:-“In loving memory of our Dame President and with a deep sense of our great loss. From the Latimer Habitation of the Primrose League” ; “ In loving and affectionate memory from Latimer and family” ; “In loving memory of my dear mistress and true friend - Hannah” ; “In loving memory of my dear godmother, from Gwennie” ; “With sincere affection, from Mrs. and Miss F. Walker” ; “With much sympathy from Mr. Charles Villiers and Miss Gwendolin Villiers, Burton Hall” ; “In loving memory from James Osborne” ; “In affectionate remembrance from Mr. Stalker” ; “In loving memory of my dear mistress, from Polly” : “Deepest sympathy from Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Ball” ; “With fondest love from Muffett” ; “In affectionate remembrance from Mr. and Mrs. Talbutt” ; “With much sympathy from Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ball” ; “With Miss Stockdale’s kind remembrance and sympathy” ; “ Mr. and Mrs. D. James, with very kind remembrances” ; “With very deep regret from the members of the Conservative Association (Mr. E. Carter, hon.sec.)” ; “With affectionate love from all her dear friends at Baldock, Rev. F. B. Newman and family” ; “With deep regret from Rev. W. B. and Mrs. Jacques” ; “From the Rev. H and Mrs. Priestland, in loving memory of a real friend” ; “In affectionate remembrance from Mr. and Mrs. Preston and family” ; “With sincere regret from Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nutt”. Mr. T. Downing was the undertaker. Editor's Note: The spelling of the family name changed over the years from Harper to Harpur, its present-day form. In his memoirs 'Memories of a Villager', Mr. Albert Granger (born 1884) recalls: "Miss Augusta Harpur at Fern Bank used to drive out in a carriage drawn by a donkey. George Hickman used to walk in front of this donkey as far as the