The story behind the photo - John Meads April 2020
I wondered for a long time why I was unable to identify so many faces on this photograph taken in the 1950s in the car park
at the Horse and Groom pub in Bakehouse Lane. The reason is now clear. I was recently contacted by George Dales, son of
Billy Dales, landlord in the early 1950s, and his wife Lena, who explained that the occasion was a charity fund-raising event
which culminated in a game of cricket. A group of staff members from Cane Hill Hospital, Surrey, led by Billy’s brother John and
a group of miners from South Hutton, Durham, led by Billy’s brother Ernest met at the “Jockey”, paraded up Church Street in
fancy dress accompanied by pub regulars to play a game of cricket in a field at the end of Bird Street it is not recorded who
From left to right some names: Joe Evans (with dog), Ernie Randall (sombrero), Reg Baish, Albert Griffin (wolly hat, drumsticks),
Chip King, Fred Goodman (tramp), Ernie King, Tom Fox (flag), Barry Cleaver (drum), Norman Clipson (hairy chest and V sign),
Norman Baish, Gerald Baish, Barbara Eyles, Lena Dales
Also named but not identified are Brad Simkins, Bill Sharman, Vic Bellamy and George Ashby. Can you help please?

Pictured above is the parade making its way up Church Street passing Attfield's Windmill Farm. Most of the participants are
named in the photo above but with the addition of Desmond Gazeley with the camera on the left of the picture.

The 'cricket' match being played in a field at the end of Bird Street and Woodcock Street