The Conservative cause at Burton Latimer received a slight rousing on Monday evening, when the opening of the Burton Latimer and District Constitutional Club was celebrated by a tea and meetiing.
The club, which is in a large plain, zinc-roofed building, is situated in the High-street, and with the outbuildings stands on about a rood of ground (on a green opposite The Wagon & Horses). The hall, it is said, will accommodate 200 people, and is 50 by 20 feet in dimensions.
It was, on the initiative of Mr J Hale and others about two years ago, that endeavours were first made to form the club, but considerable difficulty was experienced in obtaining a suitable site. After a long delay a retired clergyman in the neighbourhood (the Rev H Harpur) was prevailed on to lease them the ground desired.
A company was formed, and of the 200 £1 shares offered 155 were mostly taken up by the Rev Sir F L Robinson, Mr J Hale, Mr F W Preston, Mr J Osborne, Rev H Harpur, Miss Harpur, and Mr Battle (Cranford), all of whom were appointed directors. Mr Preston was appointed secretary. About 170 persons assembled at the tea, the trays being given by Mesdames Lewis, Bartlett, Osborne, Newman, Preston, Harpur, Quincey, Harper, Whitney, Norton, J Ball, Weston, Talbot, Moore, A Downey and Lady Robinson, Miss Hale, Miss Eady, Miss Preston, and Mr Battle.
A public meeting was held shortly after the tea. The Rev Sir F L Robinson presided, and was supported by Mr E P Monckton, Rev E Clarke (Isham), Rev H Harpur, Rev H H Newman, and Messrs Osborne, Preston, and Hale.
NOTE: The Hall remained in use as a Conservative Club until about 1914 when the present Club premises in Church Street became available.
It is thought that the original Constitutional Hall was then removed to the back garden of 23 William Street, the home of Mr Alfred Barratt, a councillor, and used by him for business purposes. In later years it was the home of Mr Borman and the photograph below shows the position of the construction in 1971.
The garden of 23 William Street showing the position of the Hall