The bachelor vicar of Cransley Northants, the Rev. Greville Cooke, has raised a hornets' nest by condemning roadside spooning in motor cars with the lights extinguished. “This habit,” says the vicar, “is an abuse of public property. I hope action will be taken at once to prohibit the practice.”
Driving home from Nottingham, adds the vicar, he passed on the short stretch of road between Glendon and Thorpe Malsor eight stationary cars, mostly with their lights off. But motoring lovers who switch off their lights to spoon by the roadside after dark have replied in force. One, calling himself “One of the Guilty Car Owners,” said: “I, personally, did not notice the reverend gentleman's car. I was far too happy.”
“Married, but Still Lane Lovers,” say: “Hands off our young lovers, Mr. Cooke. After all, parsons get the last word with 7s 6d.”
Sid Giles
Sydney Giles, 20 of Spencer Street, Burton Latimer, said: “Let me remind the vicar that this is 1937. If he wrote to Mr Hore-Belisha he would be told that it is better to spoon on the roadside than attempt the noble art while driving on our dangerous roads. “Besides, if a couple have no indoor facilities you can't expect them to drive around all night.