The first bowls green in Burton Latimer was situated, prior to 1914, on the area which later became the site of the Electric Palace cinema. In the early years of the 20th century, the Town Bowls Club was housed at the rear of The Conservative Club in Church Street. The clothing firm of Hart & Levy had a Bowls Club and this together with St Mary's Bowls Club, was also based at The Conservative Club. Following demolition and reconstruction in the centre of the town in the 1960's, Kettering Borough Council provided a 6-rink bowls green with club house behind the Churchill Way car park and beyond the children's play area. At this time Burton Latimer could boast two outdoor bowls clubs - The Town Bowls Club and The Conservative Bowls Club. This latter bowls club folded in the 1990's when the land was used for housing development.
St Mary' Bowls Club
In 1933 four members of this club, Mr F Shortland, Mr J Fox, Mr A Palmer and Mr F Baker, represented the club at the funeral of Mr Walter Summerfield of William Street who was a popular local social worker. In 1937 this bowling club, which was based at The Rectory, was no longer in existence and woods were purchased by the Town Bowling Club during the season for their use.
The Conservative Bowls Club
Seated are Mrs Patrick and Cllr Len Patrick, Urban District Council Chairman. Players standing are on the left Jack Chester,
Bob Philllips and Harold Childs, second from the right, Bob West. The remaining players are unknown.
L to R: Fred Wells, Dick Cooper, Chris Coles, Martin Elmore,
George Craddock, (unknown, unknown, unknown) Barbara Adams,
Alwyne Keach, (unknown), Ray Theobald, Ray Bryce, Dave Moisey,
Sam Osborne, Les Blowfield
Short Mat Bowls
During the 1980's the Town Band Club was used as a venue for weekly indoor Short Mat Bowls sessions.
Short mat bowlers: L to R Harry Morris, Hilda Thurlow, Joy Dacre,
Geoff Coles, Frank Clipstone, Arthur Nokes, Christine Bulley, Cis Haynes and Jim Bulley
Burton Latimer Town Bowls Club
In 2010 the Town Bowls Club celebrated its 75th Anniversary.
(*The Club was formed with a preliminary meeting on 4 February 1934 but it was not until the 4 June 1934 that the "Burton Latimer Town Bowling Club" was formed. At that time, play commenced on 6 June 1934 on a piece of land in Higham Road close to Mr William Batty's home, where there were tennis courts and a clock golf green. (The area of land is where there is a small industrial estate now). The followiing 31 members played during the first season:
Mr A G Miller
Mr A Barlow
Mr R B Pownall
Mr W Patrick
Mr A J Wittering
Mr T E Fox
Mr H Long
Mr A Hickman
Mr W Batty
Mr A Haynes |
Mr A P Lewis
Mr B B Lewis
Mr J L Skelhorn
Mr A Green
Mr T Buswell
Mr A Palmer
Mr O Tailby
Mr W Cartwright
Mr H Barlow
Mr W Piper
Rev C P Thomas |
Mr B A Small
Mr W H Buckby
Mr L M Batty
Mr J W Dacre
Mr L Timson
Mr G J Talbutt
Mr N Boxwell
Mr R Mackintosh
Mr W Capps
Mr H Whitney
The first Annual Dinner of the Club was held on the 17 January 1935 at which 50 people were present. The dinner was held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting at which Mr W Batty was elected President with Mr B B Lewis as Treasurer and Mr W Patrick as Secretary, a position until then having been held by Mr G J Talbutt. It was proposed at this meeting that ladies be allowed to join the Club and 14 ladies were enrolled during the evening, being allowed to use the green for two afternoons and one evening per week.
During 1935 the Club used the green at the rear of the Conservative Club in Church Street but very few matches were played at home in order to preserve the turf. The Club purchased its first motor mower during that season along with four pairs of woods, two jacks and four mats.
The first cup for competition was donated to the Club during 1936 and was known as the "Alfred Barlow Cup". It was presented yearly to the winner of the singles competition.
The following year the green was in a very bad state and it was very doubtful if any home matches would be played. Very few were. Some members of the Club entered the Kettering Hospital Competition to make up for this loss of matches.
By 1938 Mr T E Fox had been elected treasurer and an urgent appeal for loans was made to members as the green was in need of improvement. No doubt, this was a success as it was then that the Club decided to open a banking account.
In order to introduce further competition in the Club, a pairs contest was inaugurated and Mr W Batty donated a cup for this competition.
With the outbreak of World War II, matches with other clubs were seriously curtailed owing to travelling difficulties. To offset this, the "Burton Town Bowls League" was formed and is still in existence. Mr T Buswell had by this time taken over the secretaryship of the Club. Very little of note happened to the Club during the war years, although it was during these years that the names of the ladies disappeared from the list of members.
After the war the Club renewed its matches with other clubs, and it was decided in 1947 to become affiliated to the English and Northants Bowling Associations.
Mr F Gardiner became Treasurer of the Club in 1949 and the Manfield Cup (a competition open to all county clubs) was entered for the first time. A further cup was donated to the Club by Mrs A E Fox in memory of her late husband and it was decided to award this, in conjunction with the Wm Batty Cup, for the pairs competition.
Freddie Mann - 1950 with some of his bowls trophies
Mr R W Cooper became Secretary in 1951. The Club decided to apply for a ten-year loan in 1953 in order to deal with the problem of keeping the green in a condition fit for bowls to be played. The members' subscriptions, donations and fund-raising efforts were no longer sufficient to supply the necessary funds.
During 1954 Mr W Batty was elected as President when he was no longer able to continue his active association with the Club.
In 1958 membership was declining and the finances of the Club were becoming seriously affected. It was decided to join the Kettering & District Amateur Clubs' Supporters' Association and welcome extra revenue was received from this source. Mr G Taylor was Secretary at this time. At the end of this season Mr D Long was elected as Auditor on the resignation of Mr O Tailby.
The Club was supported at this time by the many members loaning cars for away matches, ladies providing teas for home matches, and many voluntary groundsmen who kept the green fit for play.
The 1959 season proved very successful.)*
* (This information extracted from a leaflet produced for the Silver Jubilee of the Club in 1960)
Vic and Heather Gater featured prominently in the running of the six-rink green when it was established in the Paddock in the 1960's. The early photograph below shows The Paddocks in 1970 and the two figures on the left are probably Heather. and Vic.
A Roll Up at The Paddocks c1970
Vic was the official greenkeeper. A trophy was donated to the memory of Vic and Heather. Vic Gater, who was not only Groundsman but also the Club Coach and a playing member, can be seen in the photograph below.
In September 2010 the Club raised £120 for the Oncology Department at Northampton General Hospital when the men played the women for the Vic and Heather Gater Trophy. The men retained the cup for the 13th year in succession. The money was raised through a raffle - and by fining people for misdemeanours on and off the green!
Town Bowls League Champions - 1982
Standing: Edgar Watson, Vic Gater,
John Coles and Harry Althorpe.
Kneeling: Sid Fuller. Norman Dacre was also a member of this winning team.
Burton Latimer Town Bowls Club - Ladies Two Woods Competition - 1981
Standing L to R: Vic Gater (Groundsman and Coach), D Palmer,
Cis Haynes, Mabel Dainty, Hilda Desborough, Doris Lovell, Ruby Lack,
M Woolley, Sylvia Phillips, Elsie Charlton, Hilda Thurlow, Win Sawyer,
Jean Althorpe, Audrey Height, Heather Lack.
Seated L to R: Beryl Lilley (Fixtures Secretary), Joyce Peach (Secretary),
Joy Dacre (Captain), Janet Meads (President),
Doris Davies (Vice-President), Doris Roberts (Vice-Captain),
Margaret Atkinson (County Delegate), Gladys Punyer
Burton Latimer Bowls Club - League Champions -1984
L to R: Edgar Watson, Harry Althorpe, John Coles, Vic Gater,
Norman Dacre
Club members attending Championships at Eastbourne 1984
L to R: Doris Roberts, Mollie Bussey, Olive Bulley, Win Sawyer, Doris Davis, Cis Haynes, Hilda Thurlow, Stan Haynes
Two long-serving members of the Town Bowls Club - 1985
Edgar Watson and Harold Sawyer
Town Bowls Club 1986 showing club member, Miss Margaret Atkinson (County Ladies President) in the centre
Town Bowls Cllub - Ladies Section -1986 with club member,
Miss Margaret Atkinson (County Ladies President), in the centre
Miss Margaret Atkinson - County Ladies President
Margaret died at the age of 97 in 2007. She was ladies singles champion from 1973 to 1980 and became ladies captain in 1975. She played to county standard, and became the county president in 1984.
Ladies Pairs Finalists - 1987
Sheila Coles, Doris Davis, Hilda Thurlow, Olive Bulley
Town Bowls Club Presentation
Dave Bussey, Jean Althorpe, Roland Dacre, Hilda Thurlow
Three Burton Latimer Ladies bowlers
Gladys Punyer, Hilda Thurlow,
Win Sawyer
Spectators at The Paddocks
Arthur Buckby, Edgar Watson, Andy Macreadie.
In the background are Hilda Thurlow and
Gladys Punyer
Burton Latimer Ladies on County Tour - Torquay - 1987
Back Row L to R: A McMillan, B Allen, A Scaghill, J Thompson, B Waller,
C Cooper
Middle Row L to R: H Lossau, J Bryan, L Allen
Front Row L to R: V Tilley, J Burgess, H Lack, J Bryan, A Height
Centre Front: E West
The following photograph shows all the members of the Town Bowls Club with the two captains, Pete Tomlinson and Megan Brittan seated in the centre - July 1990.
1. Colin Peach
2. John Coles
3. Peter Beeby
4. Colin Bulley
5. Cliff Burgess
6. Ray Batten
7. Geoff Coles
8. Alan Forde
9. Olive Bulley
10. Doris Davis
11. Vic Gater
12. Audrey Taylor
13. Les Phillips
14. Steve Bissett
15. Dave Bussey
16. Bert Wagstaff
17. Graham Skippen
18. Hilda Thurlow
19. Brian Moisey
20. Heather Lack
21. Steve Ellerby
22. Joyce Peach
23. Russell Macreadie
24. Jim Newlands
25. Ruby Lack
26. Horace Fuller
27. George Hull
28. Harold Sawyer
29. Albert Scrimshaw
30. John Runnicles
31. Arthur Buckby
32. Audrey Height
33. Mary Morris
34. Alun Thornley
35. Sheila Coles
36. Brenda Sinfield
37. Sadie Hanson
38. Keith Wilson
39. Harry Althorpe
40. June Burgess
41. Dotty Clingham
42. Beryl Lilley
43. Joy Dacre
44. Pete Tomlinson
45. Megan Britten
46. Molly Bussey
47. Betty Hurlock
48. Jean Althorpe
49. Beryl Waller
50. Sylvia Philllips
51. Betty Mutton
52. Marie Robinson
53. Janet Moisey
Albert Scrimshaw
President 1989
Burton Latimer Bowls Club - Mens Section - 1990
Back Row L to R: Alex McMillan, Maurice Macreadie, John West,
Colin Peach, Stuart Balderson, Maurice Lissack, Keith Oram,
Martin Stacey, John Cooper, Len Webb, John Coles, Horace Fuller,
Ray Bird, Ian Bird, Pete Tomlinson
Front Row L to R: Gerald Underwood, Les Phillips, Dave Bussey,
Harold Vardy, Dave Whittles, Harry Morris, Geoff Coles, Jim Newlands, Russell Macreadie
Mixed Pairs Competition July 1990
Back Row L to R: Colin Peach, Peter Beeby, Cliff Burgess, Roy Batten, Alan Ford, Olive Bulley,
Vic Gater, Steve Bissett, Bert Wagstaff, Graham Skippen, Brian Moisey, Steve Ellerby,
Russ Macreadie, Jim Newlands, George Hull, Jack Runnicles, Harry Morris, Alan Thorley,
Sheila Coles,Albert Scrimshaw, Audrey Height, Sadie Hansor
Middle Row L to R: John Coles, Colin Bulley, Geoff Coles, Doris Dare, Audrey Taylor, Les Phillips, David Bussey, Hilda Thurlow, Heather Lack, Joyce Peach, Ruby Lack, Horace Fuller,
Harold Sawyer, Archie Buckby, Brenda Sinfield, Janet Moisey
Front Row: L to R: Keith Wilson, Harry Althorpe, June Burges, Dotty Clinger, Beryl Lilley,
Joy Dacre, Peter Tomlinson (Men's Captain), Megan Britten (Ladies Captain), Molly Bussey,
Betty Hurlock, Jean Althorpe, Ann Smallman, Sylvia Phillips, Betty Mutton, Maria Robinson
November 1991 Club Presentation of Trophies
Back Row L to R: Cliff Burgess, Geoff Coles, Steve Bissett,Colin Bulley, Alan Campbell,
David Bussey, Peter Tomlinson, Mary Almond, Janet Moisey, Megan Britten, Audrey Height,
John Coles Sheila Coles, Russ McCreadie, Maurice Mcreadie
Front Ros L to R: Cis Haynes, Dorothy Baish, Les Philips, Jean Althorpe, Harry Althorpe,
Norman Dacre, Ray Bryce, Eileen West, Ann Smallman, Betty Hurlock, Olive Bulley,
Brenda Sinfield, Maria Robinson
Burton Latimer Town ladies section - Summer 1990
Back from L to R: Ann Lissack, Janet Moisey, Joyce Peach,
Joan Garlick, Mabel Dainty, Dorothy Baish, Megan Britten,
Sadie Hanson, Beryl Dring.
Front from L to R: Betty Hurlock, Betty Mutton, Ann Smallman,
Beryl Lilley (captain), Sylvia Phillips, June Burgess, Molly Bussey
In the Summer of 1990 a Gala Day was organised by Heather Lack at the Bowls Club. It was a day of fun bowls which included sessions of one-eye and bowling with feet together off set jacks, etc. The eventual winners were Jean Althorp, Shirley Smith, Brian Legg and Albert Scrimshaw. The booby prize went to Marie Robinson, Eileen West, Arnold Dorr and Dave Bussey. A morning session of target bowls was won by John Coles and Colin Bulley. The coffee morning and stalls run in conjunction with the gala day raised £200 for club funds.
9 July 1993 Flooded Bowling Green - Robert Gater (Greenkeeper) (son of Vic and Heather) collecting woods after a thunderstorm. Club competition abandoned.
1995 Men's Team
Back Row L to R: Alec McMillan, Maurice McCreadie, John West, Colin Peach, Stuart Balderson, Maurice Lissack, Keith Oram,John Cooper, John Coles, Horace Fuller, Ray Bird, Ian Bird, Peter Tomlinson, Martin Stacey, Len Webb
Front L to R: Gerald Underwood, Les Phillips, David Bussey, Harold Vardy, David Whittles, Harry Morris,
Geoff Coles, Jim Newlands, Russ McCreadie
c1996/7 Colin Mackintosh, Keith Oram, Terry Freeman and Ray Bird
"The Inswingers" c1996/7
L-R: Harold Childs, Roger Keach, Terry Freeman, Keith Oram, Colin Mackintosh and Ray Bird
Pat Hall's Captain's Day - June 2000
Back Row L to R: Heather Lack, Joyce Payne, Jean Thompson, Joan Bryan, Lilian Allen, Nancy Campbell,
Betty Hurlock, Olive Bulley, Brenda Allen, Anne Lissack, Megan Britten, Sheila Coles, Shirley Smith,
Audrey McMilllan, Margaret Cooper, Audrey Height, June Adkins
Front RowL to R: Mary Almond, Ann Robinson, Margaret Tyler, Dorothy Baish, Pat Hall, Sylvia Elliott,
Eileen Stockton, Hazel Lessau, Betty Warner
Megan Britten's Captain's Day
Back Row L to R: Maria Robinson, Eileen Stockton, Lillian Allen, Sue Freeman, Mary Almond, Olive Bulley,
Joyce Payne, Audrey McMillan, Margaret Cooper, Brenda Allan, Margaret Tyler
Front Row L to R: Hazel Lessau, Jean Thompson, Beryl Waller, Dorothy Baish, Betty Hurlock, Megan Britten,
Pat Hall, Anne Lissack, Joan Bryan, Heather Lack, Jenny Blackwell, Aida Freville
Presentation of Trophies - 9 November 2002
John Blackwell, Joan Bryan, Chris Cooper, Audrey McMillan, John Cooper, Heather Lack, Ann Lissack,
Russ Macreadie, Pat Hall, Hazel Lessau, Maurice Macreadie, Alf Lessau, Margaret Tyler, Derek Cooper,
Maurice Tyler, Beryl Waller, John Ball, Jean Thompson, Lillian Allen
Maurice Tyler's Captain's Day - 25 May 2005
Bill Sheen, Roger Keech, Jim Newlands, Nick Freville, Neville Stockton, Gary Slough, Robin Sharman,
Maurice Lissack, David Smith, John Blackwell, Maurice Tyler, John Ball, Alf Lessau, Peter Tomlinson,
Alec McMillan, Alan Campbell, Derek Cooper, Steve Fountain, David Payne, Jason Tyler, John Coles, Mick Atkiins, Barry Payne, John Lawman
Newspaper extract November 2005:
The ladies of Burton Latimer Bowls Club really celebrated at their annual dinner and presentation after winning all three major County triples competitions this year.
Joan Bryan, Betty Hurlock and Anne Lissack teamed up to lift the county triples crown while Heather Lack, Chris Cooper and Margaret Tyler joined forces to take the County Benevolent Trophy.
And for the second successive summer Bryan, Lissack, Lack, Tyler, Audrey McMillan and Nancy Campbell won the Borough Championship.
For one of the smaller clubs in Northamptonshire such a run of success is a remarkable achievement.
Now with a new clubhouse overlooking the green nearing completion the whole membership is in a buoyant mood and eagerly looking forward to 2006.
Ladies Trophy Presentation 2005
EVERY ONE A WINNER - Burton Latimer ladies bowlers Lilian Allen, Anne Lissack, Joan Bryan, Audrey McMillan, Heather Lack, Margaret Tyler and Chris Cooper with the fruits of their labours
Extract from the Kettering Evening Telegraph, November 2005
Cream of the county
A Bowls club is celebrating winning many of the county tournaments.
Burton Latimer Bowls Club won all three major county triples events this year and is looking forward to the opening of a new clubhouse next year.
Bowler, Heather Lack, said: "It was a major achievement for us as one of the smaller clubs in the county and we were really pleased."
The mixed club has finished its outdoor bowling season, which started in May and finished in September.
Members have now started their indoor season, playing at clubs in the area.
Mrs Lack said: "We meet up as a club every Friday for a social evening. We are building a clubhouse overlooking the bowling green, which has been part-funded by Kettering Council.
"Anyone who would like to join can contact me. Heather Lack on 01536 723823" Membership more than 100. |
Presentation of Trophies at a Dinner Dance - 2 November 2005
Lillian Allen, Maurice Lissack, Joan Bryan, Audrey McMillan, Anne Lissack, John Cooper, Alec McMillan,
Maurice McCreadie, Chris Cooper, Heather Lack, Maurice Tyler, Margaret Tyler, Barry Payne, Eileen Stockton, Les Darling, Hazel Lessau, Alf Lessau, Beryl Waller, John Ball, Megan Britten
New Club House
In September 2005 work commenced on the construction of a new extension to the existing Bowls Pavilion to form a new Clubhouse. The club's former clubhouse was an old portakabin that was at the end of its life. This was located adjacent to the children's play area.
Laying the foundations of new Clubhouse
Maurice and Margaret Tyler in the doorway of the old clubhouse just before it was demolished.
Work in progress
The roof goes on
The interior taking shape
Completed exterior
Completed interior
Clubhouse Open 25 June 2006
From left to right, Men’s president John Cooper, world championship bowler John Price and Ladies’ president Heather Lack mark the opening of the new clubhouse at Burton Latimer bowls club.
The official opening of the new clubhouse took place on Sunday, 25th June 2005 and was opened by the World Championship Bowler - John Price.
Burton Latimer Bowls Club worked with Kettering Borough Council for many years with a vision to provide a new club house that would also provide a venue for activities for the local community by extending the existing small pavilion located within The Paddocks, Off Churchill Way Car Park in Burton Latimer. The club's former clubhouse was an old portakabin that was at the end of its life, this was located adjacent the children's play area.
Club members have managed the project and also helped to build it! The Council have contributed £35,000 from their "Invest To Save" capital funding towards this £80,000 scheme. The club have raised the rest over many years to realise their vision.
The agreement between the club and the council included that the extension would include full disabled access and that the club would manage the community use of the bowls green similar to bowls clubs in Rothwell and Desborough. The green is open to the public from May to August 2 pm to 4.30 pm and then from 6.30 pm to dusk. During September the opening times are on Mondays. Saturdays and Sundays from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Councillor Alison Wiley, the portfolio holder for Community Services said:
"I am very pleased to take this opportunity to congratulate the members of the club who have worked so hard to achieve this ambitious goal for themselves and the local community"
If you require any further information to play bowls or hire the facility contact the Bowls Club on 01536 725144 or about the scheme in general contact Kettering Borough Council by emailing, or telephone 01536 410333
Official opening by World Championship Bowler, Welshman John Price
The first night at the new bar -
Margaret and Maurice Tyler
Local newspaper report June 2006
A famous face from the world of bowls was on hand to open Burton Latimer’s new clubhouse.
World championship bowler, Welshman John Price, cut the ribbon at the new building on Sunday, June 25.
Burton Latimer bowls club needed £80,000 to update their old portable building and they raised £45,000 towards the project themselves.
But this was just to cover materials the woodwork, tiling and wiring were all done by dedicated volunteers.
Kettering Borough Council provided the other £35,000 and they have retained the land.
Club member Megan Britten said: “We all can’t quite believe it has actually happened because we have been trying to get it built for more than ten years.
“Having John Price visiting was brilliant and he said he wished the facilities at his home town club (Port Talbot) were this good.
“It has been a labour of love and it has nearly caused a few divorces!
“It’s a versatile building which will be available to use for the whole community”.
Other uses which are being lined up include sewing circles, whist drives, line dancing and yoga classes.
Anyone requiring any further information about playing bowls or hiring the facility should contact the bowls club on (01536) 725144
Kettering Borough Council sign for The Paddocks, Bowling Green and Pavilion
30 November 2008 PRIZE GUYS
There was a glittering array of silverware on show when the Burton Latimer club held their annual presentation night at the town’s community centre. Prizes were handed out to the leading performers with the roll of honour reading:
Mens Singles Champion: John Cooper, Ladies Siingles Champion: Chris Cooper, Junior Champion:
Hannah Dockerill, Kettering Borough Ladies Singles Champion: Anne Lissack, Mens Pairs: Gary Slough and
Andy Britten, Ladies Pairs: Joan Bryan and Doreen Moore, Mens Triples: Maurice Tyler, Barry Payne and
Robin Sharman. Ladies Triples: Margaret Tyler, Maria Robinson and Alice Britten.
July 2008 Mixed Pairs Winners
Chris Cooper and Robin Sharman
with Ladies President, Heather Lack
CAPTAIN’S DAY 18 July 2009
J Ball, G Slough, R Gray, J Coles, S Dockerill, M Tyler, M Lissack, M Britten, J Cooper, J Baish, K Oram, A Britten, R Sharman, S Masson, B Payne, J Merrick, J Blackwell, C Gray, D Allen, P Tomlinson, C Blackley, M Fleming (Capt), A Lewis, R Blackley
Men's Triples Winners 2009
J Cooper, A Britten, M Tyler