An area of ground along the east bank of the River Ise - from Station Road in the north (opposite the Weetabix factory entrance) to a point in the south near the "hurdy gurdy" footbridge over the railway lines - has been designated since the mid-1990s as a Pocket Park. Most of the area between the railway and the west bank of the river was once the site of Burton's Gas Works. The east bank was once in general agricultural use, but its situation on a flood plain has tended to rule out any thought of housing development. Hence its suitability as a naturalised area for leaisure and recreation. As well as a refuge for wildlife and an open area for walks, it is the venue for the annual Duck Race. Of course, the area has to be managed. It cannot be left to simply grow wild. The land is privately owned, but leased to Burton Council. The management is in the hands of volunteers, co-ordinated by Burton Latimer Pocket Park and Conservation Group. To ensure a balance between a natural habitat for wildlife and a pleasant area for walking and light recreational use, there is a constant battle to clear weeds from the main open areas. An example of this appeared in an article in the Kettering "Evening Telegraph" from July 1994, reproduced below.
Ongoing Work A gallery of maintenance work from 1997
For current information about the park from the Town Council website go to www.burtonlatimer.org/pocket-park/