The persons whose names are as follow are liable to serve in the militia for the parish of Burton Latimer, 1778.
Francis Robinson, farmer |
John Garratt, miller |
John Robinson, farmer
William Eady, miller |
Edmund Eady, farmer |
Henry Robinson, farmer |
William Andrews, farmer |
John Hughes, wheelwright |
Robert Capps, butcher |
Edward Hughes, wheelwright |
Samuel Buswell, farmer |
Joseph Sudborough, shoemaker |
Thos. Wood, farmer |
Thos. Sudborough, shoemaker |
Edward Wood, farmer |
John Bland, servant |
John Blofield, joiner |
Henry Ginn, farmer |
Richard Blofieeld, joiner |
William Eady, servant |
Samuel Garratt, miller |
John Sudborough, shoemaker |
Thos. Bellamy, farmer |
Samuel Wright, servant |
Robert Bellamy, farmer |
John Timson, servant |
John Glover, carpenter |
Richard Croxen, blacksmith |
Thos. Simco, carpenter |
William Branson, sarvant |
Joseph Miller, weaver |
Charls Hodson, servant |
John Hodson, labourer |
Robert Row, labourer |
Thos. Croxen, wheelwright |
Thos. Payne, taylor |
Samuel Patrick, mason |
William Nutt, labourer |
John Mason, weaver |
Francis Toulton, weaver |
Joseph Driver, shepherd |
William Northern, taylor |
<Nathaniel Daniels, weaver> |
<Thos. Brotcher, servant> |
David Miller, weaver |
Thos. Coalman, servant |
Thos. Neal, weaver |
<John Burnaby, labourer> |
John Neal, weaver |
Samuel Smith, weaver |
Samuel Neal, shepherd |
Samuel Fox, labourer |
John Coals, labourer |
John Barnes, servant |
Samuel Gillings, weaver |
Joseph Clark, servant |
David Blunt, servant |
John Daniels, labourer |
Edward Ginn, servant |
Richard Wade, publican |
Moses Patrick, mason |
Joseph Sudborough, Constable
The day of appeal for any person that think themselves aggrieved is on the 10th of December, at the White Hart Inn, in
. N.B. That no appeal will be afterwards received.