Will of Richard Boyvyle - Made 20 January “1510” [1510/1511] - Proved 23 May 1511
This will was proved by authority of Northampton Archdeaconry Court but is not recorded in its surviving records. The text of the will (in English) and record of probate (in Latin) were copied on to both sides of folio 14 of the Griffin Cartulary [Northamptonshire Record Office: ZA6242/3] without paragraphs or subheadings.
In this transcript of the text:
Spelling has not been modernised.
Abbreviations are silently expanded.
Roman numbers are converted to Arabic form and sums of money to the £ s. d. format.
The text has, where it seems helpful, been divided into paragraphs.
The record of probate being granted was written in abbreviated Latin. It is here translated into English, followed by the original unexpanded version.
Text of will
folio 14, side a
In the name of oure lorde god Amen the 20th daye of January the yere of oure lorde god 1510 I Rychard Boyvyle of Burton Latymer hole of mynde And good remembrance seke in my body fearing the encertayne sure of dethe make my own testament and laste wyll in thys wyse & maner
Firste I bequethe my soull to Almyghtye god oure lady seynt mary and all the holy company of hevyn and my body to be buryed afore the Channcell dore in the paryshe churche of our lady seynt mary of Burton aforseide besides my wyffes sete
Item I bequeth to the mother churche of lincolne 12d.
Item I bequeth to the said churche of our lady of Burton aforsayd a vestment for a priest to synge masse wyth of whyte damaske and a co[?]asse also the one syde to be of golde of damaske and the other syde of grene velvett
Item I wyll that myne executor paye to the same churche 3s. 4d. whyche I have in my kepyng of the gyfte of Alyce Haldenby sometyme of Isham to the same churche
Item I gyve and bequeth to Gressyll my wyffe all my stuffe of houshold beddyng inward stuffe and al other maner of stuffe and at her departure she to geve and dyspose yt to my chyldren at hyr pleasur
Item I gyve for my tythes forgotton 12d.
Item I gyve to the torches and bellys of the said churche of Burton 2s. 4d.
AND as towchyng my lande I wyll bequeth and gyve to the said Gresyll my wyffe all my landes and tenementes medowes lesures and pastures with all theyr appurtenances lying in the townys & feldes of Burton Latymer aforesaid and Oxendon parva otherwise called Oxton parva in the countye of Northampton during her lyffe and after her deceasse I wyll that George Boyvyll my sone & heir have the said lands and tenementes and other the premissez wyth their appurtenances to hym and to hys heyres of hys body lawfully begotten and for defaute of suche yssue I wyll they remayne to my son Rychard Boyvyll and to the heyres of hys body lawfully begotten and for defaute of suche yssue I wyll they remayne to my dywghters Grysyll Blakwall and Margarett Gage Cecyll and Agnes and to the heyres of theyr bodyes lawefully begotton and for defaute of suche yssue the remaynder of the said lands and tenementes and other the premisses wyth theyr appurtennces to dyscend & come to the right heyres being nexte of the bloode of me the said Rycharde Boyvill Except out of my seyd landes & tenementes in Burton Latymer aforesaid the howsse in the which I dwell wyth the arable londes and lays therto belongyng which I wyll the said Gresyll my Wyffe have duryng her lyffe paying therfor yerly 20s. for 2 Tentalles to be songen yerly for my Soule my faders & moders sowllys and al my good benefactours & helpers soulles the which house purcheasyd of Herry Huddelston Esquyer and the which house wyth thappurtennences the seyd Henry Huddelston afore purcheased of Jankyn Clerke
Text - folio 14, side b
late of Burton aforesaid and after the deceasse of the said Gryssyll my wyffe I wyll the sayd house wyth thappurtences be sowld for £20 after 20 yers purchase at 20s. and the purchaser therof to pay yerly 20s. a yere for 2 Trentalls to be songe yerly for my soul al my good frendes soulless and all chrysten soulless as afforseid tyll the said sume of £20 be paid PROVYDYD that yf my said son George Boyvyll lyst or please to have the said housse wyth thappurtennces after the decesse of ye said Gryssyl hys mother after the said some of £20 paying therof 20s. by yere for the said 2 Trentalls to be songe in maner & forme aforesaid then he to have hyt and that he fyrste refuse yt and yf he wyll not have yt then my said son Rychard to have hyt for the said some of £20 paying 20s. by yere for the sayd 2 Trentalles tyll the same some of £20 be payd and yf the sayd Rychard wyll not bye yt as ys aforesaid then my son Henry Gage to have yt of the seid poe paying therfor as ys aforesaid and yf the seyd Henry wylle not bye yt nor none of my kynesfolk then I wyll yt be soulde to any other that wyll bye yt after the said poe and payng therfor yerly 20s. in maner & forme afforsayd the whyche payment of £20 aforsaid asoq ye said 20s. by yere as ys afforesaid who soo ever what have the said house wythe thappurtennces I wyll my said son George ensee well and truly to be contentyd & payd in maner & forme afforsaid according to thys my wylle and mynde and also wher my seyd son George Boyvyll ys nowe clerke of the peas in Northampton shyre I wyll that yf yt fortune hym to be put oute of the said office during the lyffe of the said Gryssyll my wyffe that he shal have my manor in Burton aforseid wyth al lands tenementes medowes lesues & pastures therto belongyng that sometyme was John Langley towerdes hys fyndyng during hys seyd mothers lyffe wythoute any thyng to be payd to eny body for the said manor notwythstoondyng the premisses and the further grante made to the said Gryssyll my wyffe in thys my wyll afforseyd and after hys seyd mothers dethe to have the seyd manor and al other my said landes & tenementes & other the premissses wyth their appurtennces to hym and to hys heyres of hys body lawfully begotten in manner & forme aforesaid except the seid house in the wyche I dwell wythe thappurtennces for the whyche after the deceasse of hys seyd mother yf he have & Inyoye yt to paye the sayd £20 after 20s. by yere for the said 2 Trentalles yerly to be songe in maner & forme as ys aforsayd the resydew of my goodes not gevyn & bequethyd I gyffe to ye said Gressyll my wyffe whom I make myne executryxe of thys my last wyll & testament she to ordeyn & dyspose them as she shall please to ye welfare of my soule and al xren soules
In wytnes wherof to thys my last Wyll & testament I have putte my seal ye day & yere abovewreton These wytnes Henry Gage gent John Jeykes Barnard Cantlyn Robt Jeykes Thomas Canars Wyllm Lowke Thomas Brygge John Smythe and many moo Dated at Burton Latymer aforsayd the day & yere above wreten
The preceding testament was proved on 23 May 1511 in [?] hospital of St John in the town of Northampton in the presence of us Thomas Knyght [?] Father in Christ & by permission of William the lord bishop of Lincoln commissary general in the Archdeaconry of Northampton.
Probate section as in abbreviated Latin
pdens testament pbatu fuit xxiii die mensis may An dni MCCCCCXI in [?] Hospitlis sa Johis ville Northt coram nobis Thomas[s] Knyght [?] in xro patris & dni domus Wills permissione dmna Lincoln Epi in Archnatu Northampton Comissare genald
Click here to read about Richard Boyville.