With my Dad dying two months before my 4th birthday, I have very few
memories of him. I was told that I occasionally went with him in his van to make deliveries to customers. My early years at the shop were memories of playing with Bill in the back yard (right) and visiting Pop Papworth "Walter" (left) at Croxen’s Yard where he kept rabbits and chickens at the bottom of his garden and I also remember visiting him at the old brick yard where he had an allotment together with my visits after school to drink Camp coffee and eat spoons of condensed milk from the tin whilst chatting about our day. Such happy memories of my only living and much loved grandparent (Pop). He loved his pint and was a regular at the Dukes Arms.
Mum ran the shop after Dads death, living there with sister Gladys, Bill and myself. Life wasn’t easy for her because Gladys was ill and later Bill became ill and had many visits to Northampton Stoke Mandeville Hospital. This was around the time that I went to stay with the Northerns in Whitney Road and started living permanently with them. I would call them Aunt Marge and Uncle Jack. I lived with them until marrying in 1970.
Right: Holidaying with my two families on Southsea beach between Ernie and Phyl on the left and Jack and Marge Northern on the right. |
I didn’t have far to go to Infant School as it was just a few yards from the rear of the shop. It was a happy time. I then moved up to Burton Latimer County Junior School in the High Street. The teachers I remember were Miss Clipson, Mr White, Mr Norton and Mr Pentelow. I attended private piano lessons with Miss Clipson (right) at her home achieving grade 2. I would cycle to school up the A6 every morning from Whitney Road and also to Hart and Levy canteen for my lunch, where Aunt Marge worked as a cook. After school I would always call into the shop and occasionally would help serve the customers and also watch television with Bill before going to Whitney Road. My Senior school was Rockingham Road School for Girls.
I attended Sunday school at the Mission Room and became a Sunday School teacher. I would attend morning service at the Parish Church with Aunt Marge and would provide flower arrangements for special occasions. Sundays was always a regular visit with Uncle Jack to the ‘Britt’ for the chocolate raffle and then home for dinner. Bill would also cycle down from Mums to join us. Although we lived separately we had a close bond. At the age of 4 I went to ballet and tap classes at the St John Ambulance Hall Alexandra Street and then later to Joan Strawson School of Dance in Kettering until the age of 11. I entered many Eistedfords and shows and from the age of 11 to 19 changed to Ballroom and Latin entering competitions around the country. This helped to put me in good stead for retirement as I now, with my husband, run a U3A Tea Dance and teach beginners Ballroom & Latin Dance. I also remember always enjoying the annual torch light procession held on carnival day. Great fun. Would never be allowed these days with Health & Safety Rules & Regulations.
The Mission Room, Finedon Road
The St. John Ambulance Room, Alexandra Street
(Left) Mum, Phyl Papworth/Short, was a well known character in Burton with an unmistakeable laugh and jolly nature. She was a member of the Band Club skittles team and a member of the WI. I would visit her regularly. (Right): Phyl's sister Gladys, left in the photo, was also a well known character in Burton and was cared for by Phyl after she became ill. Gladys died in 2005 aged 87.
After Mum and Bill’s deaths I scattered their ashes around Dad’s grave in Burton cemetery and added memorial vases.
After marrying I left Burton and travelled with my husband Peter Hull who was in the Army. On my first stay in Germany I had a surprise visit, on opening the front door there stood Jack Addis, what a shock but a lovely Burton link. He was in Germany on Scouting business. After 18yrs as a military wife we finally settled in Sandhurst Berkshire in 1988. I worked at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst before retiring in 2010. I was awarded the Imperial Service Medal for my service as a civil servant (right).
I have two children Helen and Matthew and two grandchildren from Helen, Leia-Rose, and Dillon (Hull-Wallis). Matthew has Downs Syndrome.