Researched by Margaret Craddock, 2008 |
St Mary's Parish Church ran an Institute which enabled men and women of the town to participate in a number of sporting activities. Some idea of the range supported by the Church Institute - and the demands of the period as far as finance was concerned - can be gauged from reading the reports on the Institute which appeared in the Parish Magazine. Letters to the Editor have also been transcribed below, showing that in spite of the Institute being a Church organisation, all was not always sweetness and light! Magazines from the years 1989, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1906 have survived, and the relevant extracts are presented below. The next year for which the magazines are currently available is 1933, and by that time there is no mention at all of the Church Institute. The transcripts are presented not just for the interest value in terms of social history, but also for their family history value: many names are included in the various reports. For photos and other details of Church Institute teams, click here
JANUARY 1898 FEBRUARY 1898 - THE INSTITUTE'S ANNUAL SOIREE So great was the demand for tickets this year, that the joint committee was compelled to arrange for two Soirees in place of one. On the first night about 125 were present, and on the second about 140. Each evening fourteen ladies presided over the tables, on the Wednesday Miss Harper, Mrs Talbutt, Mrs Attfield, Mrs John Ball, Miss Barratt, Mrs F T Freestone, Mrs Henson, Mrs Fred Ball, Mrs Jas Capps, Mrs H Simpson, Mrs Currin, Mrs J Wallis, Mrs Buckby and Mrs White. On the Thursday, Mrs Jacques, Mrs Preston, Mrs Boardman, Mrs Stalker, Mrs Fred Wallis, Mrs Baxendale, Mrs Nelson, Mrs Hickman, Mrs Compton, Mrs H Wallis, Mrs G Downing, Miss F Downing, Miss Smith and Miss E Downing. During the evenings, songs were contributed by various members, and Mr Carter played for dancing. The two evenings proved most enjoyable, and the committee must be congratulated on the success, financial and otherwise, that attended their efforts. There can be no doubt that two soirees to which each member could bring a friend is a better way out of the difficulty than having one only confined to members of both Institutes. CHURCH INSTITUTE Junior Branch As promised, we were able to open the above on New Year’s Day. Already about 50 members have been elected, and the room appears to have met a real want. Members have the privilege of introducing a friend on payment of one penny per evening. The room is opened 7 to 9 pm. Mondays and Wednesdays, and 6 to 9 on Saturdays. Further information, rules, etc, may be obtained from Mr H Tomlinson, Secretary; Arthur Stokes, Treasurer; or any of the Committee. We are requested on behalf of the Committee, to thank the following for games, etc: - The Rector, a skittle board; Authorities of the Constitutional Club, bagatelle table, draught boards; Mr Osborne, draughts; Mr Boardman, puzzle, and Mr John Ball, dominoes. Illustrated Magazines would be very acceptable. MAY 1898 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTE On Easter Monday evening there was a large gathering at St Crispin’s in connection with the Kettering and District Social League, E P Monckton Esq, MP kindly coming over to present the Silver Challenge Shields to the successful Institutes. Kettering Church Institute had won the Shield for Whist and Billiards, Finedon the Skittle Shield, and Burton Latimer the Draughts Shield, and representatives were present from Broughton as well. The Rector of Burton Latimer presided, and explained the objects of the League, and Mr Monckton gave some good advice about the spirit of rivalry entering into pastimes as well as into the other more important aspects of life. At the close, a vote of thanks was passed to Mr Monckton for so kindly coming over to present the shields. The Championship Competitions resulted in Mr H Faulkner carrying off the Challenge Medal for Billiards, the other successful competitors being Messrs T Smith and C Grainger (Whist), Mr George Stokes (Skittles), and Mr Albert Fox (Draughts). In the Junior Branch, Albert Cook secured a Silver Medal offered for the Skittles Championship. OCTOBER 1898 - THE INSTITUTE On October 1st a new quarter commences at the Church Institute. The entrance fee is 1s. and the subscription 1s 6d. per quarter. At the last quarterly meeting of members several additions were made to the list of papers and periodicals for the winter months, which now includes the following:- Kettering Guardian, Kettering Leader, Daily Mail, Northampton Daily Chronicle, Illustrated London News, Tit Bits, Strand Magazine, Pearson’s Magazine, Windsor Magazine, Football Telegraph, Harmsworth’s Magazine, etc, etc. Doubtless the Committee will make arrangements for Social Evenings and Smoking Concerts from time to time, whilst there will be competitions for the Championship Medals for Whist, Skittles, Billiards, and Draughts. In the Orchard Room, where the Young Women’s Institute meet on Monday and Thursday evenings at 7.30 pm, new blinds and curtains have been put up to make the room more comfortable. No 12 Puzzle printed elsewhere will keep the letters busy should any of other members be anxious to solve the words. We are asked to print the following rules, which members are requested to note:- RULES
NOVEMBER 1898 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTES The Young Women’s Institute re-opened on Monday, October 3rd, and already a large number have been enrolled; in fact, the Orchard Room has lately been well filled. We regret to hear, however, that certain have not joined because they took exception to the rules being printed in last month’s magazine; may we point out that this was done in October 1896 as well, the object being to save the expense of extra printing, the number of Members and the smallness of the subscription, not permitting the Management to incur unnecessary expense. Several new Members have been admitted to the Church Institute, and the committee hope shortly to commence the championship competitions for silver medals. In connection with the Kettering and District Social League, various fixtures have been arranged. Two new clubs Burton Coffee House and Kettering Victoria Hall, have entered, whilst one, Finedon Star Hall, has withdrawn. Our Institute, at present, holds the draught shield, which we can rely on our draught players endeavouring to retain. We have, too, a good chance of winning other shields if Members can be prevailed on to practice before the matches. JANUARY 1899 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTE The third annual general meeting for passing the accounts of the Institute and for electing officials for 1899 was held in St Crispin’s on Thursday evening, Dec 15th 1898, when the Rector presided over a gathering of nearly fifty members. After the accounts had been read and passed, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to the retiring officials, especially to the Secretary, who had given ungrudging services to the Institute. Mr Boardman was unanimously re-appointed secretary, and kindly undertook the office for another year; Mr F Wallis was also re-appointed treasurer. Twelve names had been handed in for election as members of the Committee, and after a show of hands had resulted in three gentlemen receiving the same number of votes, the meeting decided to increase the number of the Committee from nine to twelve. Various gentlemen were then nominated as Vice-Presidents, and we trust they will support the Institute by permitting their names to appear on the front sheet. Various other business was then transacted, a Smoking Concert once a month being one of the chief items under this head. FEBRUARY 1899 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTE The fourth Annual Soiree was held on Thursday, Jan 5th, and was confined to one night only. Each member was entitled to bring a friend, and a very pleasant and enjoyable party resulted. Fourteen ladies presided at the Tea tables, and after Tea the evening was spent in dancing and other games. We believe that about 110 were present, and we are informed that after paying all expenses, there will be a balance left over towards the funds of the Institute. Since the autumn the Institute has met with some success in the Kettering and District Social League, matches having been won against Broughton (whist and skittles), against Burton Coffee House (whist, billiards, skittles and draughts), and lost against Kettering Church Institute (billiards and whist), Broughton (draughts), and Victoria Mission (draughts). We must say goodbye to the Draughts Shield, but trust that our Skittle players will replace it by another, whilst we have a chance of obtaining the Whist Shield. We are glad to note an increase in the number of members. MARCH 1899 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTE There are now nearly one hundred members in the Institute and the Club must be congratulated on securing the Skittle Shield under the auspices of the Kettering and District Social League. The representatives of the Institute have throughout shown consistent good play, and they deserve their success. The silver medals, which are held for a year by the winners of the open championship, were presented on Shrove Tuesday evening by Mr Preston, who received a warm welcome for his attendance. A Smoking Concert was arranged by Mr Clarke, and the room was filled with a large and appreciative audience. The winners of the medals are Whist, the Rector and Mr Boardman; draughts, Mr A Fox; billiards, Mr H Faulkner; skittles, Mr T Barlow. At the close a hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr Preston. There has been a slight alteration in the list of vice-presidents (see January Magazine). Mr Evelyn Villiers did not accept the office owing to absence from home, and the names of Mr A Clarke and Mr Jesse Fox have been added to the list. JUNE 1899 - YOUNG WOMEN’S INSTITUTE We print below the accounts for the fourth Winter Session of the Young Women’s Institute. it will be remembered that during the first three years of its existence this Branch of the Church Institute joined with the other Branch in the Christmas Soiree, receiving half the proceeds. Of the six guineas received from this source the Committee voted five towards the Sanctuary Fund; this year, owing to the joint Soiree having been discontinued, nothing was received, and there was a fear lest without this help the half-year’s working would show a deficit; this however, was just avoided, as the balance sheet shows. It has been suggested that the age of members should be raised to 16. However, a meeting will be called some evening in September to take into consideration on what lines the Institute should be conducted. The decrease in the number of members may necessitate closing the Club altogether, for it is felt that in order to meet expenses there should be a membership of 40 at least. We have heard it whispered that several of the older members severed their connection with the Club owing to the age of admission being so low as 14. However, the autumn meeting will decide whether the Institute should be carried on or not; and if the former, on what lines. We would suggest that certain rules adopted by the other Institute should be in similar use here regarding age limit; also that those desirous of joining should be passed by the Committee elected at the annual meeting. SEPTEMBER 1899 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTE With the object of reducing the balance against the Institute at the bank the Committee arranged a Garden Soiree, with the kind permission of the Rector, in the Rectory gardens, on August Bank-holiday. Although other attractions were numerous, a large number attended, and the soiree proved a greater success than even the most sanguine expected. In addition to the usual games of bowls, skittles, etc, two courts were marked out for tennis, and this proved to be a great attraction. A special feature was a short programme of races carried out in Mr Attfield’s paddock, kindly lent for the occasion. There were a good number of entries, and the races proved most interesting. Mr Tailby supplied the music for dancing, and a most enjoyable afternoon closed with a vote of thanks to the Rector and Mrs Jacques. The receipts amounted to over £11, and after paying all expenses £7 was handed over to the treasurer. With so many willing helpers it is impossible to record all the names, but the thanks of the Committee are due to the ladies who kindly helped with the refreshments, and to Mrs Jones and Mrs Melton, who kindly gave their services. OCTOBER 1899 - YOUNG WOMEN’S INSTITUTE In connection with the above a meeting of ladies interested was recently held in the Orchard Room, about 24 attending. Officers were elected, and it was decided to re-open the Institute on Monday, Oct 2nd at 7.30 pm. The subscription will be 1/- per quarter, payable in October and January, and all over 16 years of age are eligible for membership. Members may introduce friends at 1d each evening. There will not be regular dancing as previously, and more papers will be taken in, including The Ladies’ Pictorial, The Graphic, Punch and Harmsworth’s Magazine. President Mrs Jacques. Vice-President Mrs Priestland. Committee Mrs Talbutt, Mrs Chapman, Mrs A J Ball, Mrs Nelson, Miss Scholes, and Miss Morris. Secretary and Treasurer Mrs Stalker, to whom application for membership should be made. NOVEMBER 1899 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTE With a new quarter several new members were admitted and the social league fixtures are now occupying attention. The skittle players visited Kettering St Mary’s Club on October 14th, and brought off a victory, but the Institute had to put up with a defeat on the 21st inst., at the hands of Kettering Liberal Club, though the whist match was lost by only the narrowest points, 16 to 14. With eight clubs in the social league there will now be no lack of competition. Early in November, the championships will be commenced, and present holders of the silver medals will not be allowed a “Walk over,” and as the entrance fees go towards the Institute Funds, which are not in the rosiest condition, we hope there will be plenty of competitors. At the Institute, held in the Orchard Room, the limiting of the age to 16 has not given universal satisfaction. Still, pleasant evenings are spent, though the Committee have not been well treated by several, who gave in their names to join at the preliminary meeting, and who have not yet carried out their promise. They should do this, because the club would not have been re-started had not sufficient members promised their support. We feel rather inclined to print the names of several who promised to join, but have not done so; the reproof would be full deserved because such treatment is grossly unfair. JANUARY 1900 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTE The Annual General Meeting was held on Monday evening, Dec 4th, between 60 and 70 members being present. A short report of the year’s work was submitted by the Committee, and, with the treasurer’s statement, is printed below. After thanks to the retiring officials, Mr J Boardman was elected Hon. Secretary, Mr F Wallis, Hon Treasurer, and Mr C F Downing, Assistant Treasurer, and the following were elected on the Committee:- Mr A E Ayres, Mr A J Ball, Mr T Bird, Mr H Chapman, Mr A Currin, Mr F T Freestone, Mr E E James, Rev H Priestland, Mr F Smith. In connection with the last recommendation in the report it is gratifying to note that all the twelve members of the Committee have accepted office as Vice-Presidents. We state this in the hopes that others who will shortly receive a note asking them to accept a similar office will be able to render this little service to the Institute, for the funds are at present rather low, but efforts will shortly be made to reduce the overdraft at the Bank.
THE INSTITUTE “GOOSE CLUB” This Club was started in October last at the suggestion of the Rev H Priestland. Members paid 6d a week with the object of getting a goose or turkey for their Christmas dinner. On Thursday, Dec 21st, the members, numbering 23, met and drew for their birds, which were real
MARCH 1900 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTE The Concert and Opera in St Crispin’s on Thursday, Feb 8th, under the auspices of the Church Institute, provided a most enjoyable evening’s entertainment for those who were present. We certainly expected a larger audience, but while the reserved and front seats were filled, somehow or other the sixpenny seats did not take on. The Concert consisted of an excellent selection of songs, so well rendered that it would be altogether invidious to attribute special praise to any of the singers. Mrs Burland, who although very unwell, kindly fulfilled her promise to sing, received a hearty reception, and had to respond to the demands for an encore to her songs “The Link Divine” and “The Carnival.” Mr Stanbury’s songs “Ho! I hear the wild winds blow!” and “A Soldier’s Song” were given in excellent style, and well deserved the applause they called forth. Mr Forbes, who made his first appearance in
“The Celestial Opera” which followed was given by a company of
We desire to thank most heartily the friends from Kettering and Finedon who so kindly took such trouble to help us. We also wish to express our gratitude to Messrs Henson, Browning, and Nelson, for their invaluable aid in arranging the stage and room, also to those
It is gratifying to know that the net proceeds amounted of £5, and the Institute Committee wish to thank those who were present for their help.
APRIL 1900 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTE On Shrove Tuesday a Smoking Concert was held, and proved most enjoyable. A capital programme was arranged, to which members and friends contributed. During the interval the championship medals were handed to the successful competitors:- Billiards Mr H Faulkner Whist Messrs H Wallis and A
Draughts Mr A Fox Skittles Mr T Barlow In connection with the Social League, the Institute walls are now denuded of the two silver challenge shields, which have adorned the room for a year; the skittle team nearly succeeded in retaining the shield, and in ordinary circumstances might have done so. The shields were distributed at the Kettering Liberal Club premises on Saturday, March 24th as follows:- Whist Challenge Shield - Kettering St Mary’s Institute Billiards “ “ -
Draughts “ “ -
Skittles “ “ -
After which the holders played teams selected from the rest of the League.
OCTOBER 1900 - THE CHURCH INSTITUTE Feast-week was well observed by the members of the Institute, for in addition to the Fete noticed elsewhere, a Soiree, postponed from the Monday, was held later, and a successful Smoking Concert on the Thursday, when a capital programme was given. The arrangements were in the hands of the Rev H Priestland, Messrs. Clarke, and F Wallis, the latter of whom was prevented by illness from assisting. Two
On Saturday, Sept 22nd, the goods left over on Feast Monday were disposed of in the Institute, and excellent bargains were secured in the afternoon by those (not a large number) who patronised the sale. We can assure our readers that many of them lost a great opportunity, one that does not come every day. At 7.30 pm the auctioneer commenced business in the Dutch fashion, and the ‘Clearance’
THE YOUNG WOMENS’ INSTITUTE This will re-open in the Orchard Room at 7.30 pm on Thursday, October 4th, and will be conducted on lines similar to those of the first season, when games of many sorts were permitted, but no dancing. Musical Evenings will be held from time to time provided that sufficient members join to ensure success. The subscription will be 1/- per quarter in advance, or 1d per week, and the age limit will be 14. There will also be a Chip Carving Class in connection with the Club, but those desirous of joining this will be required to pay 1s for the cost of the necessary tools. A class for fancy work will also be formed. The room will be opened every Tuesday and Thursday, from 7.0 pm to 9.30 pm, excepting when the Monthly CETS Meetings are held. Miss Scholes has kindly undertaken to act as Secretary. DECEMBER 1900 THE YOUNG WOMEN’S INSTIUTE On Tuesday, November 20th, a musical evening was held in the Orchard Room, and the various items were much appreciated. Several members of the Club contributed to the programme, viz, Mrs Clarke, Miss Ada Preston, Miss Coward, Mrs Fred Dicks, Miss Cook, Miss Edith Smith, and the Misses Tailby, and in addition other friends kindly came to assist. Miss Dryland gave us three songs, Mr Arlidge four or five, and Mr Martin played several pieces on the piano in masterly style. There was no charge for members, who had the privilege of introducing lady friends at 3d each and the room was filled to its utmost extent. It is encouraging to find that the Club is progressing, the number of members being now 53.
JANUARY 1901 The Annual General Meeting of Members was held on Monday evening, December 3rd, at 8 p.m., when the Rector presided over a large attendance. After the minutes of the last annual meeting had been passed, the Secretary (Mr J Boardman), read a statement of the accounts and report which the Committee had previously passed, and which were confirmed by the members. The accounts were for the 12 months ending September; thus allowing a reasonable time for payments and audit. Mr J Boardman was re-elected Secretary, Mr F Wallis Treasurer, and Mr C F Downing Assistant-Secretary, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded the officials for their services. Before electing the Committee, Messrs A Miller and J Campion were appointed Scrutineers, and they reported the result of the voting as follows, the first nine being elected:-
Various matters were afterwards discussed, and the meeting closed at 10 pm with the customary vote of thanks to the Chairman. The Report of the Committee was as follows:- The Committee are glad to be able to report that the membership shows a slight increase on last year and, considering the numerous other attractions in the village, this is very satisfactory. Our financial year now ends on Sept 30th, and we finish the year with 94 members, including the President, and 30 Vice-presidents, and with very few exceptions, the subscriptions have been paid. The principal alteration made by the Committee has been the appointment of a manager, upon whom now devolves the collection of money for billiards, etc. The Committee hope the change will prove beneficial, and, judging by the last month, the hope will be fully realised. Our thanks are due to the Rector for kindly allowing us to have the proceeds of the Fete in the Considerable expense has been incurred by the Committee in painting and renovating, and in providing new surrounds to the billiard tables, and the additional comfort thus produced will no doubt be appreciated by the members. The Committee regret that there is still an adverse balance at the bank and after very careful consideration they have increased the charge for billiards from 3d to 4d per half-hour. The financial statement is for ten months. The total receipts are £123 17s 9d and expenses £113 2s 0d showing a gain of £10 15s 9d. Messrs A J Ball and F T Freestone were asked to estimate the value of the assets, and the result of their valuation is shown in the Balance Sheet. J BOARDMAN, Secretary
The Provident Club has not received a large measure of support from Members, though it admittedly supplies a need; during the past year about 24 have continued their monthly donations of one shilling, and a few dropped out altogether, and it was to a certain extent due to this latter fact that after paying five or six calls for sick money, the Treasurer was able to return 10/4 to each Member, which was considered highly satisfactory. “Club” night is the third Monday in each month, and new Members are admitted at Quarter nights, January 21st being the next, when we look forward to a large increase. The “Goose Club” owes its institution to the Rev H Priestland, and last year’s number of 23 was nearly doubled this year, when no less than 39 Geese and
The last session of this Institute was very successful. During the first quarter there were 52 members, but as is usual, after Christmas the numbers fell off, leaving 34 for the second quarter. The carving lessons kindly given by Mrs Jacques were much appreciated, as were also the fancy work lessons undertaken by Miss Coward. A Musical Evening was given on November 20th by members of the Club and a few friends invited by Mrs Jacquest, and it was well patronised and appreciated by members and friends. There have been complaints from some that there was not enough variety of entertainment nor sufficient games, but on the whole members appeared satisfied.
M SCHOLES, Treasurer
The quarterly general meeting was held on June 18th, at which there was an excellent gathering of members. Amongst other items of business a proposal was brought forward to start a Football Club in connection with the Institute. After some discussion it was agreed to carry out the proposal. Members of the Club must, of course, be members of the Institute.
At a Meeting held in the Orchard Room on Thursday evening, September 19th, it was decided to re-open the Club, at 7.30 pm, on Thursday, October 3rd. Between twenty and thirty names were given in, and the subscription will be 1/- a quarter, or 1d a week, as in previous years; there is a balance in hand of 10/-, or thereabouts. If any Members wish to learn fancy Needlework or Carving, Miss Preston, Mrs Chapman and Mrs Smith have kindly undertaken to teach them, but the main object of the Club is a recreative one. Various newspapers and magazines will be taken and the usual games will be played, with the addition of ping pong, by special request.
A Football Club has been started in connection with the Church Institute. The club has entered the Wellingborough and District League. There are about 26 matches to be played, and it is to be hoped the team will stand in a very creditable position in the League at the end of the season. The first match was played on September 7th, on the Institute field, when Finedon Stars beat the Institute by 7 goals to nil, but they have retrieved their loss by defeating Stanwick on September 21st, by 4 goals to 3. The officers of the Club are as follows:- President, The Rector; Captain, Mr F Currin; Vice-Captain, Mr T Ward; Hon Sec and Treas Mr J Campion, and a committee of nine. The subscription for the season is 2/- for members over 20 and 1/6 for members under 20. As the Club is self-supporting, the members and players must work well together, that being the only way to make it a success.
A musical evening was held on Tuesday, November 19th, for which Misses F and A Preston had arranged an excellent programme. Mrs Clarke opened the proceedings with a skilful execution of a difficult pianoforte solo by Sydney Smith, Miss Parry and Miss Battle contributed two songs, and songs were also given by Miss A Loveday, Rev H Priestland and the Rector; recitations by Miss F Preston and Miss Fanny Ball, and a clever dialogue in which the parts were taken by Mrs Chapman and Miss Hodson, whilst Miss Lottie Ward shewed considerable skill in a piano solo. The entertainment was much enjoyed by a large audience of from 70 to 80.
CHURCH INSTITUTE JANUARY 1902 The Annual General Meeting of members was held on Monday, Dec 9th, when the Rector presided over an attendance of about 60 members. The Annual Report, presented by the Committee together with the Statement of Accounts, is printed below. Votes of thanks to the retiring officials and Committee were proposed by the Rector, and the following officers were re-elected:- Secretary, Mr Boardman; Assistant Secretary, Mr C F Downing; Treasurer, Mr F Wallis; Auditor, Mr F T Freestone. For the Committee 17 members were nominated, and the voting, which was conducted by ballot, resulted in the election of the following:- Rev H Priestland, Messrs A J Ball, H Chapman, J Compton, A Currin, G H Fourt, A E Fox, F T Freestone and H Stokes. Several rules were altered, and copies of the rules as amended will shortly be issued to each member. We take this opportunity of thanking the Vice-Presidents for their support, and we hope others will join in helping to clear off the outstanding balance at the bank. Report
The Committee are glad to be able to report another very successful year, and they are of opinion that the Institute is doing a good and useful work, which fully deserves the support of all Church people in the parish. The membership continues to increase, and the overdraft due to the bank is being slowly cleared off. The overdraft is still over £60, causing a yearly expense in interest. A considerable saving in interest might be effected if all members would pay their quarterly subscriptions more punctually, and members are earnestly requested to bear this in mind. Our thanks are again due to the Rector for kindly allowing us to make use of the Rectory gardens on two Bank Holidays, by which, nearly £5 was added to the income.
The number of members who joined the above Club last October was not quite so large as last year. Still, there were 30 geese, turkeys, and ducks required, and these were obtained from
The championship competitions have now been concluded, and have resulted in the success of the following:- Whist (15 pairs entered) Messrs H Stokes and W Blake Billiards (20 entries) Mr Raymond Downing Skittles (11 entries) Mr John Cook Draughts (9 entries) Mr J Boardman
At a recent meeting in the Orchard Room to consider the above it was decided to re-open in October, and a large number of names were given in for membership. The Club will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7.30 pm till 9.30 pm commencing Oct 7th. On one evening each month dancing will be permitted for the last hour, and each member will be allowed to introduce a lady friend on payment of one penny. We should like to hazard a suggestion, and it is that the title of the Club should be altered to “ St Mary’s Club.” If this should prove acceptable we will gladly undertake to make the change.
With October a new quarter commences. During the summer months St Crispin’s has been attended by more members than in any previous year, and this has gone a long way towards improving the financial state of the Institute. The Football Club has rented from Mr Barker part of his field on the
The Annual General Meeting was held on Friday, December 9th, when the Rector presided over a fair attendance. The report and balance sheet were adopted, and the election of officers resulted as follows:- Mr F Wallis, Treasurer; Mr J Boardman, Secretary: Mr G H Fourt, Auditor. Twelve names were submitted for the Committee, and the following were elected:- Rev H Priestland, Messrs A J Ball, T Bird, J Capps, E Carter, A Currin, C F Downiing, C Evans and J Wallis. Report of the Committee Although the Committee have the pleasure to report a greatly improved position financially, the fact still remains that the normal receipts do not meet the necessary expenditure. With the help of soirees, fetes and a concert, the Institute has gained £20 during the year. This is shown in the reduced overdraft and increased stock. Eighteen new members have been admitted, but several have dropped out, and the subscriptions show an average membership of 53 fully paid, in addition to 19 Vice-presidents, and the President, leaving the total practically the same as last year. The installation of incandescent gas fittings has affected a considerable saving in the consumption of gas, which has more than covered the initial outlay, and in consequence the rooms are now much better lighted. It has been suggested that the usefulness of the Institute might be enhanced by the introduction of monthly lectures and debates, and it is hoped that the Committee of 1906 will do something in this direction. The Institute serves a useful purpose, and the Committee would be pleased to receive more applications for membership. The financial statement and balance sheet are as follows:-
THE CHURCH INSTITUTE NOVEMBER 1906 We are pleased to be able to report a considerable increase in membership, and we look forward in confidence to a successful and useful winter’s half year. The championship competitions have commenced and no less than 40 players have entered for the whist competition. In connection with the Social League, the billiard team are to be congratulated on beating Kettering Church Institute and Kettering Liberal Club; the whist team have won one match and lost two; the “shooters” have won one and lost one, whilst the skittle team have won their only match. We shall be disappointed if we have not at least one shield to adorn our walls at the end of the season; two would be a better match, whilst three would look most handsome. The “Goose Club” has started and deposits are received every Saturday evening 7.30 to 8.30 pm.
During the last few weeks the Church Institute has seen more members present than for many years, in fact, we much doubt if there has ever been a better attendance at St Crispin’s. The various championship competitions have been in full swing, and matches in the Social League have proved a great attraction. The billiard team have won all their four matches, at whist we have only won two out of eight, at skittles one game only has been played and won, at air gun one won and one lost. St Mary’s Club has about 50 members, and the Orchard Room is well filled on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. During Advent, the second evening in the week will have to be altered so as not to clash with the Special Mid-Week Service in church. Some of the fancy needlework done by the members is deserving of much praise. |